o11 ☠ A Curious Meeting.

Dec 05, 2011 16:50

Characters: derparcana and breakschains.
Location: The Plaza.
Time: Backdated to the day after this. Cause that's how we ROLL
Style: FLOPPY SLEEVES Do we ever write prose, seriously--
Status: Closed.

[ Admittedly, Ryoji wasn't really looking forward to this meeting. He knew Break would probably figure out what he was and likely not let it go (not something he really desired to be waved around, to be frank), mostly because he was sure Break would find it horribly amusing.

At the very least, this time he had willingly decided to see him versus Break sneaking up on him in an alleyway while he was putting flowers down for where his friend died--that time had put him far too much on edge. He would be cautious, if he could be, but he would also try as much as he could to help Break.

Maybe it was from being around Minato too much; he wasn't sure. But if there was one thing he knew, it was that he wanted to help him. He wasn't sure why, but Break struck him as someone who didn't have as much fun as he let on. Someone who deserved some help. Even if that meant being mercilessly trolled, well, he was okay with it. Fair trade, right?

It was with all of this in mind that he approaches the plaza that morning, and waits for his company, with some reluctance, but also with some hope. ]

xerxes break, ryoji mochizuki

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