Characters: Duke Pantarei and anyone ever.
Location: The plaza
Time: Evening
Style: Any
Status: So very open
"..." Almost a grunt, a little bit closer to a sigh, Duke straightens and grimaces at his hair, which stuck to his face over his eyes and tries to tangle itself about his knees. Some fletching slides free from his hair and hits the ground with the water.
"... Tarqaron... was not above the ocean... Did it drift..? ... No." Shaking his head, rather like the way a dog would get rid of water, loosing more fletching fragments and then stopping with a faint grimace. That hurt. Blinking past his hair, he studies the buildings.
..... And then above him, what would be the sky. That's... different.
"... This... is not the ruins of Aspio.... nor Tarqaron itself..." Confused, tired, he's just going to stand there, dripping, because moving will remind him of all the bruises that are hiding under his torn, soaked, somewhat singed clothing. Someone had been in a fight. He doesn't seem to be paying attention to the ball of light above his head, which catches the beginning hints of bruising on his face and peaking out of the odd collar of his shirt.