Nov 22, 2011 18:55
Characters: Rayfell and anyone that runs into her~
Location: Plaza
Time: The night of 11/22/11
Style: [ Action. ]
Status: OPEN
[This wasn't exactly what she had remembered last. First this wasn't her room by any means and this wasn't even the town where she had been with Cheryl in...second what was with all the water. It takes her a few moments to register this all and even after she does, she just stares up for a while. A little annoyed she does the one thing she knows that will calm her. Reaching into her back pocket she pulls out a, semi-wet, cigarette (thankful it being in a new pack) , placing it between her lips and then patting for a lighter. As soon as she sees she doesn't have one she lets out a loud sigh.]
Great... [Rayfell rubs her head and starts to walk in a general direction, maybe she can bum one off of someone...and get some answers. With her usual charm she taps a few people on the shoulder and tosses them a smile. If they ignore her she'll just keep walking.]
Hey can someone help me out?