Who doesn't love a good nocturne?

Nov 14, 2011 19:10

Characters: RED Medic and Rhi'a Dragunel
Location: A music shop in the plaza.
Time: Backdated a few days after the Halloween event. Late afternoon.
Style: Whatever Zetsubo wishes.
Status: Closed, sadly.

Things had been a bit...difficult for the dragon girl recently. Between her roommate returning to her own world and the fact that for a reason she couldn't remember she lost control of her emotions and power, it was awful. For the first time in a long while, she had begun to doubt herself. Even though she couldn't remember the cause, she remembered the effect. She remembered how scared and angry she had been, and even a bit of guilt. So, she did the only thing anyone does to get their mind off of something, do something else that was both enjoyable, and distracting. In this case, playing the piano.

She had been planning on picking one up for quite some time, but he never gotten around to it. She was aware of a good Music Store in the city, however. So she strolled on in and decided to look around until she found something of interest: a grand piano. Finely detailed and clearly well-crafted. She gazed upon it for a few moments, before asking permission to play it. Once given the go ahead, she pulled out a piece of sheet music she had gotten in the Nook, and proceeded to play this piece of music. The sound carried beautifully through the air even past the open door of the shop, and out to any passerby outside of it.

red medic, rhi'a dragunel

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