theshadowbehind and
permalinefaceLocation: Kyouya's apartment
Time: Midday
Style: Action!
Status: Clooooosed.
[Well, what a turn of events. Haruhi slipping on the ice and twisting her ankle and then slipping into a sleep coma? What are the odds? 4938754239486 to 1? WELL IT HAPPENED. Regardless, Kyouya couldn't just leave her there on the ice like that, so... It was off to his apartment with her.]
[And so for the next few weeks, Kyouya cared for her ankle and let her rest up as much as she needed. Conducted business on the side like he was supposed to. Protip: didn't have much to do with the club. But that would come out later.]
[For the moment, he'll be typing away on his laptop on the sofa adjacent to where his fellow host and friend slept. Don't worry, no shirtless mmorpgs here. Just some irritated tacking on the keys.]
[Who could blame him? Supposed best friend hasn't said a word to him since he arrived, and his remaining best friend is out cold in a coma. Awesome. B<]