First Song

Sep 29, 2011 10:25

Characters: singsforsouls and You!
Location: Plaza
Time: Mid-morning
Style: Either or!
Status: OPEN.

[ It was supposed to be over.

A boy stands in the Plaza, water dripping from his hair, his sleeves, the helmet he had hanging from his fingers. He looks like he came from some strange cross of a motorcycle rally and a school function: he wears a grey uniform, jacket neatly buttoned, but his shoes are more akin to combat boots, and the gloves he is wearing have metal bands attached for protections.

Perhaps more disturbing than his strange sense of fashion is the fact that a sword hangs off of his belt and a strap supporting a machine gun is slung across his chest.

He had expected to be back in the real world. Maki had been happy. She had said she would send them home.

Then again, how many times before had they thought their quest almost done?

There is no sign of his teammates, but he does not allow it to panic him. Where ever he is, he will figure it out soon enough. It is not as if he is ever alone. His head buzzes with activity: Armaiti soothes with her soft voice while Illuyanka hisses paranoid warnings. Only Amon-Ra is quiet, like the boy himself.

Naoya adjusts the machine gun so that it is easy to access in a moment of need and sets off to find out what kind of creature populates this world. ]

minato arisato, naoya todo, red (pokemon)

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