one | what will create life is this wish

Sep 22, 2011 14:55

Characters: Homura Akemi and you!
Location: The Plaza
Time: Afternoon
Style: Action tags are preferred.
Status: OPEN.

[She knew it immediately once she opened her eyes -- this wasn't her home world. There was no need for her to ask questions about the situation, she would figure it out on her own. She already knew this for a fact: this wasn't her fault. There was no reason to go to another world, or even another timeline. It was pointless, really.

But as she looked around, she gave a small, gloomy sigh, her purple eyes staring at the 'sky'. There was something different about this place, that's for sure.

And she's going to find out what that is.

Pressing her right hand against her ribbon, she stood up, clicked her heels together, and began to walk.]

mami tomoe, kikuchi hiro, homura akemi, riku

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