(no subject)

Jul 18, 2010 22:25

Characters: Kratos Aurion, Alpha and anyone else who Kratos encounters along the way.
Location: Anywhere on the path from the Vita Apartments (Middle District) to the clinic. Thread with Alpha himself takes place inside the clinic.
Time: Afternoonish.
Style: First person.
Status: Open.

[Ever since this conversation, Kratos has been questioning reality more and more. Dead people returning to life, differing memories of the same events and then those documents. Something's fishy and it's not just the fact that they're underwater. Who knows just how much tampering's been going on behind the scenes?

Well, there happens to be someone who may very well know, so the most logical course of action is to seek him out. As such, Kratos is headed for the clinic with determined strides. Sadly, the weather's taken a turn for the worse and it has, in fact, started to snow. Not that such a thing will deter him from his mission. More pressingly, some sort of plant is following him. Just like his fairy, it's flying a short distance behind him, attempting to hover over his head whenever he stands still. It's not threatening, bit irritating all the same.

When he finally reaches the clinic, he heads for Alpha's office and knocks on the door without hesitation. Though anyone's free to run into him while he's on his way over there.]

!alpha, kratos aurion

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