Bang! (ah sob ah sob ah sob - Bebop reference, anyone?)

Sep 10, 2011 23:32

Characters: Faye Valentine and some HEAVY
Location: Park!
Time: Late Afternoon
Style: Ooh! I dunno. I'll just start off then you can do whatever you like ^^
Status: Closed. Unless you really wanna pester a couple of cool kids with guns, or come see what the commotion is before the big guy arrives.

Ah, so Vatheon had ammo - for free! Unlimited! At least, so it seemed. She'd cooped herself in her apartment when those fish were around, saving her bullets for a rainy day, but she needn't have. That's what happens when she's lazy and doesn't leave the house.

Thanks to her little discovery, Faye has set herself up a shooting range in the middle of the park. Some bullseyes hanging between the trees at different ranges, heights, sizes - well, it's the best she can do. She's a reasonable shot. Not the best, but reasonable. And she wasn't about to let that slip because she was stuck under a bubble.

Bang! Bang! bangbangbangbangbangbangbangbang

faye valentine

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