singularjustice and all you lovely folk.
Location: Coral Corral
Time: Afternoon
Style: Either or!
Status: OPEN.
[ The smell of cooking meat wafts down the streets of Coral Corral. Large slabs of beef are charring on a grill, being watched over by the staunchly vegan N. Though the idea of eating the very thing he is cooking turns his stomach, he would never deny his team the food they need. Which is why even though he has a fan he has dragged out to blow the smell away from him, he gets up and flips the steaks.
He gauges the time he has with a careful eye, and then disappears into the house for a moment.
When he comes back out, he settles into a bag chair. A tiny Zorua, hatching delayed by N's disappearance, is now cuddled in the crook of N's arm. With a practiced movement, he coaxes the nipple of a warm bottle of milk into its mouth, smiling as the fox Pokemon flails its paws in an attempt to grab the bottle. ]