imprudencies and
vatheonLocation: KIND OF EVERYWHERE? Feel free to run into him on rooftops or whatever you want. ♥
Time: Mid-afternoon.
Style: [ COMMENT SPAM!!! ]
Status: OPEEEEEEN!!!
[ So, Vatheon. Some new arrivals don't always start... wandering around with doe-eyed looks. Some blend in (or in this case, blend in by their silence), ask questions, quietly stick around.
Domon has actually been here for almost a few hours now, he isn't totally soaked anymore, or anything, but he doesn't care about being wet.
Rather... he's been asking (read: interrogating) locals he ran into about the nature of this place. He's pretty quick on the uptake, after all. Just another step up to the top, right? He has most of the details from listening to others and just looking around.
So instead, you'll find THIS newbie out in the plaza, but only at first! What is he doing? Being silent, moody, and well--training. You can bet he's already tried calling the God Gundam to no avail; he isn't pleased, no, so this is what he resorts to.
Try not to be too surprised by the guy with the spikey black hair, a long red headband, a red cloak, and an old rusty sword on his back who happens to be currently doing punching and jumping exercises like, everywhere in Vatheon. In fact, he's been roof-jumping the well known sport of people in red cloaks obviously, and you might just run into him as he makes his way back to the plaza, little more than a blur to the average untrained eye due to his speed both running, punching, AND using his sword.
Or maybe you'll run into him when he's silently prowling the streets?
He doesn't speak once, the entire time, merely gets his bearings for this new, strange place in silence. ]