Characters: Ragna and anyone else who wants to see books fall.
Location: The Library
Time: Late at Night
Style: First
Status: Open
The sun had finally set and Ragna was feeling rather restless. Earlier he thought "Hey, I should be out destroying branches..." But this is Vatheon and not Kagutsuchi. Damn it all. He decided to go explore Vatheon's premise
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Since there had been a variety of violence actions lately, she carried her bow and arrows with her at all times. Standing off to the left and behind a stair case, she watched someone enter and push a book shelf down. It was not until he spoke that she relaxed her arrow that had been pointed at his heart. She realized who he was immediately and she felt profound relief. She waited until after he spoke, to realize that no one was coming and that it was okay for her to approach him. She did not want to get in his way if he had to fight.
"RAGNA!" She yelled as she stepped out of her hiding space.
Running to him quickly but stopping a few steps away as she stared at him. With a quick check, he seemed to be okay. It had broken her heart to leave him and she had been worried sick about him and to see him standing in front of her, she shot him a huge smile.
"You're okay!"
At first he heard a noise in the distance. He figured it would be the NOL because they protect libraries. He grips his sword and stands in a defensive position.
And he slashes forward without giving it a second thought.
As she saw him slash forward, she tried to evade the sword. Landing hard on the ground, she was not quite sure right away if he hit her or not.
"RAGNA! Its me Kagome" She did move but stayed still and watched him, hoping that he realizes that it is her.
He's just going to fall straight on his face. What, he wasn't expecting her to be here. What kind of Library is this. He feels lots of confusion and pain, but he's too dumbfounded to get up.
"Are you okay Ragna"
What were you doing in here anyways. [Kneels down next to him and puts her head on her hands.] I should look at your shoulder.
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