Aug 02, 2011 23:44
Characters: Duncan and whoever shows up
Location: The plaza
Time: Morning. 9ish.
Style: Whatever. I'll probably attempt to loosely follow you.
Status: Open
[Alright so waking up soaking wet from head to toe, lying on his back in a strange place really wasn't the worst morning experience Duncan had ever had. Honestly? It didn't even break into the top five, and definitely didn't hold a candle to the 'free-fall over Niagara Falls' experience. But it was still pretty darn unpleasant nonetheless. On the plus side, it didn't look like he was in any imminent danger, which was definitely a plus compared to some of his past wake-up calls.
Grudgingly climbing to his feet, the displaced delinquent with the green mohawk tried to get his bearings. Obviously, he was dripping wet, but he was willing to write that one off as a minor annoyance. Not like it was particularly new to him, and even the uncomfortable feeling of the wet leather collar around his neck was more or less familiar by this point. Heck, even the water in his sneakers was about as ignorable as the wet board shorts and both sopping wet shirts.
He pulled his lighter from his pocket and dumped the water out of it as he looked around, recognizing absolutely nothing he saw. Everything looked too clean and, well, safe to be associated with that stupid reality show. And then there was the fact he didn't see any familiar faces around, or smell Owen, which meant that this probably wasn't the set up to yet another sadistic challenge from McClean. What else...well, there was some stupid giant weed growing in the middle of the plaza, and the whole place was under what looked like a big bubble with water outside...wait a minute. What the hell was he doing underwater?!]
"...Ohh, perfect."
[Alright, so maybe now this was ranked in the top five worst morning experiences ever. On top of that, now there was a glowing green bug of some kind fluttering around his head that he just couldn't seem to swat away. Not to mention a strange marking that had appeared on the left side of his neck, just above his spiked collar, buuut it'd probably be a while before he saw that one.]
kenshin uesugi,
equius zahhak,
minato arisato