sweeperesque lunateclock curry_bread Location: Coral Corral House 7.
Time: Early afternoon.
Style: Either!
Status: Closed.
[ It was the most unexpected thing. The thought crossed Red before, but... All too soon, just like that... It was a shock.
Earlier this morning, Red was faced with an empty room in the attic. The room that used to be so vibrant, so warm, has been reduced to a cold and vacant room in just one night.
It still felt like ten minutes ago that he placed a good night kiss on a certain boy's forehead. It still felt like fifteen minutes ago that they decided to share warm milk before bed. But it was all gone now.
Nothing but a distant look on his face, Red is currently sitting on a sofa. With an absent-minded gaze, he keeps stroking Pikachu's head. The only sound in the living room right now is that one wall clock... ]
Were you truly happy? If you were, then that's all I need...