Jul 23, 2011 15:03

There was something about the Vatheon locals that kept the city cheery. Despite their vague answers and the general quiet presence they give, they still always have a smile on their face and always always throw the best parties. Today was no exception ( Read more... )

yukari takeba, kurenai wataru, !event, sig, hajime tounomine, devil survivor mc (katsu aoki), kikuchi hiro, liechtenstein, minato arisato, jane maxwell, rue, tohru adachi

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faygot July 23 2011, 20:07:37 UTC
[Gamzee'll just be waiting her, leaning back against a tree just a bit away from the entrance of the park. He realized he and Equius hadn't exactly agreed on a place to meet, but man, Equius was tall! He would be able to find him. Yep, he was confident in that.]


stayb100ponyboy July 24 2011, 01:27:48 UTC
[Gamzee isn't exactly a midget either, so it doesn't take Equius too long to spot him. He strolls over, trying hard to look casual and most likely failing--this dating stuff is nerve-wracking! He also has one hand held suspiciously behind his back.]



faygot July 24 2011, 01:34:45 UTC
[He perks up immediately, closing the short distance to toss his arms enthusiastically around Equius' neck, planting a very short kiss on his lips. Better to just go for it than to be all awkward, right?]



stayb100ponyboy July 24 2011, 01:50:45 UTC
[Why yes, that is much better than agonizing shyness and long moments of awkward. Equius wouldn't have complained if the kiss had lasted a little longer, but he's still completely delighted with the Highblood's greeting.]

Here, I brought you something.

[He pulls his hand out from behind his back, offering a handful of wild flowers that he picked on the way here. Their stems are only slightly mangled in grip.]


faygot July 24 2011, 02:03:16 UTC
[Gamzee's smile softens when he frees the mangled flowers from Equius' grip very carefully. He likes flowers! Little happy motherfuckers being all colourful and nicely smelling like that.]

Thanks, babe.


stayb100ponyboy July 24 2011, 02:08:09 UTC
You're welcome.

[Just going to lean in now for another quick kiss before straightening back up and gesturing towards the fair.]

Well, shall we then?


faygot July 24 2011, 02:13:16 UTC
[he nods, looking excited. Hey, who knows what kinda wicked amazing shit they are gonna find there. Could be miracles! And he loves music even if his ability to make it is at -1000.

Well, and either way, he gets to spend time with Equius. That's always cool. Reaching down, he curls his fingers around Equius' hand, giving a slight tug.]

Yeah. Come on.


stayb100ponyboy July 24 2011, 02:20:40 UTC
[Equius lets his hand go completely limp in the Highblood's grasp, trying hard to control his anxiety at the closeness. If he keeps his hand limp, it should be okay, right?]

[He glances at the other troll's face and, seeing the enthusiasm there, a little of his tension melts away.]

Lead the way.


faygot July 24 2011, 02:23:20 UTC
[Hopefully yes, because Gamzee sees no problem squeezing his gloved, limp hand a bit tighter, tugging him along as he starts into the fair. And stops. And stares.


just. a moment please.]


stayb100ponyboy July 24 2011, 02:30:46 UTC
[Is it normal to get nervous before a date and forget to eat because your stomach feels like it's full of snakes?]

[The sight of all that food makes Equius realize how hungry he actually is, and his stomach growls a bit. Yes, food first.]

[Letting his nose guide him, he starts off in the direction of a booth labeled "Barbeque." He has no idea what it is, but it smells delicious.]


faygot July 24 2011, 02:57:42 UTC
[oh man, everything just about sounds delicious. Gamzee wants to try it all. And quite frankly, considering how much of a black hole his stomach has been known to be on occasion? He might as well succeed.

And that is why you get a matesprit right? To steal tastes of food off of them.]

That smells motherfuckin' amazing.


stayb100ponyboy July 24 2011, 03:11:18 UTC
[That is absolutely why you get a matesprit, for eating together like a pair of oinkbeasts and trying all sorts of new foods.]

It does, doesn't it?

[Equius gets two plates of barbeque from the vendor and offers one to the Highblood.]

I say we try a bunch of different things and then go listen to the music. What do you think?


faygot July 24 2011, 04:28:11 UTC
[Gamzee just smiles, staring gladly at the food before turning his gaze to Equius.]

If it is all with you, I'm chill with whatever motherfuckin' shit we are gonna be doing.

[All the honesty, here. All of it.]


stayb100ponyboy July 24 2011, 05:03:31 UTC

[That is one of the sweetest, nicest things anyone has ever said to him.]

[Quick, duck the head, hide the emotion and the tiniest beginnings of a smile that's trying to creep onto his face.]

Yeah, me too.

[Mumbling out his response, then quickly stuffing some barbeque in his mouth to cover what's happening. What luck that he happened to pick the messiest food possible, one that requires all kinds of concentration to eat.]


faygot July 24 2011, 05:08:19 UTC
And then we can make out.

[Totally casual here. Yep. They are totally going to make out, Gamzee has spoken.

And is now intent on shoving barbeque into his chute.]


stayb100ponyboy July 24 2011, 05:17:28 UTC
[Oh. Okay. Yes, making out is a thing that's going to happen.]

[Equius is okay with that.]

[He quietly finishes his own barbeque, managing to not make a giant mess of himself, but then notices a smear of sauce on the Highblood's upper lip.]

You've got some sauce on your face.


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