One lost bird...

Jul 13, 2011 21:26

Characters: Robin and You!
Location: The Plaza
Time: All day long! Justice never sleeps.
Style: I’m starting in action, but I’ll match you.
Status: Open like an open thing

[A teenage boy wearing brightly colored spandex, a cape, and a mask has seemingly jumped out of nowhere, and landed right in front of you. what?]

((OOC Note: Despite any ( Read more... )

rhode camelot, kikyou, amaterasu, tao master ushiwaka, hajime tounomine, alex louis armstrong, mami tomoe, kikuchi hiro, liechtenstein, kanda yuu, ventus, saki rouyama, riza hawkeye, dick grayson (robin), medusa

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neutral_loli July 13 2011, 21:55:59 UTC
[She lets out a tiny scream, who would when random stranger appears out of thin air, and her shopping bag, and its continents, end up dropping to the ground]



feelstheaster July 13 2011, 21:58:36 UTC

[He starts helping her gather her stuff. Batdaddy taught him proper manners!]

Sorry about that. You okay? I didn't mean to startle you.


neutral_loli July 13 2011, 22:23:48 UTC
[She manages to give a weak little smile. Liechtenstein needs to learn that people tend to randomly appears out of nowhere thanks to Vatheon. Batdaddy would be very proud to see his little Birdie help a little girl...Okay, he'd probably just nod. Still]

Yes, thank you. I'm okay. Don't worry, it's not your fault. I should have been paying more attention to my surroundings.

[Big Brother would be very frowny faced if he learned that she dropped her guard]


feelstheaster July 13 2011, 22:31:15 UTC
[Batdad would also be disappointed that his bird has been running into people with his guard down so it will be a secret. Shhhhhh]

I kind of jumped out of nowhere, so it's probably my bad. Either way, don't worry about it.

I'm Robin.


neutral_loli July 14 2011, 00:42:04 UTC
[Liechtenstein promises not to tell Batdad! She is very good at keeping secret]

It's nice to meet you, Mr. Robin. My name is Liechtenstein...Ar you new to Vatheon?


feelstheaster July 14 2011, 00:44:27 UTC
The same to you.

And just Robin is fine. I'm 100% new --

Did you just say you're name was Liechtenstein?

[And he thought Wally's parents were cruel]


neutral_loli July 14 2011, 01:04:34 UTC
Yes, my name is Liechtenstein.

[Hey, plan the first Prince Liechtenstein. She was happy being called Vaduz. She wonder if he, like many other, will ask why that her name.]


feelstheaster July 14 2011, 09:23:13 UTC
Oh, well that's cool. It's really different. I bet you're the only person named Liechtenstein. Way unique.

[He's not being entirely truthful, but he doesn't plan on making any girls sad]


neutral_loli July 14 2011, 09:47:06 UTC
If you don't count the royal family, then yes, I would be the only other person named Lichtenstein.

[She feels relieved, it's rather awkward to try to explain the existence of their kind to normals humans]

Since you've just arrived to Vatheon, do you have any questions? I'll do my best in answering them.


feelstheaster July 14 2011, 09:52:21 UTC
Okay. Sooo, this is an underwater city, trapped in an alternate universe, right? Are there any weirdos around here?


neutral_loli July 14 2011, 09:56:57 UTC
Yes, we all were brought here to power the city. Well many of the residents here are quite different from what you expect, such as the Trolls, but for the most part the people seem perfectly harmless. Though, I can't say for sure since I've only met a handful of people.


feelstheaster July 14 2011, 10:00:23 UTC
Awesome. Thanks. I'll just have to do a bit of recon.

...hey, you haven't seen any other superheros around, have you?


neutral_loli July 14 2011, 10:14:51 UTC
No, I'm afraid I haven't seen any superheroes around here. Perhaps looking at the list of residents would help?


feelstheaster July 14 2011, 10:21:49 UTC
...there's a list?


neutral_loli July 14 2011, 10:31:58 UTC
Yes, here let me show you.

[She pulls out her SFC, from seemingly nowhere, pushes a few buttons until the list of resident appear before handing her communicator over to Robin]

That is the complete list of all the residents here.


feelstheaster July 14 2011, 10:37:30 UTC
[He looks through the list surprisingly quickly, before grinning like an idiot]

Wall--I mean, Kid Flash and Batman are here!


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