mass broadcast

Jul 06, 2011 12:51

[the feed clicks on to show one familiar doctor's office, the sfc sitting on the desk littered with broken sfcs and open journals with illegible scribbles of writing on it -- the writing being in a different language entirely! There's shuffling in the background and coughing before a somewhat familiar voice filters through the feed -- a bit strained as if the speaker hasn't spoke in quite a while but he's audible]



You do a terrible piss poor job of keeping a man's office tidy while he's out. Really now, the amount of dust in here is disgusting.

[and then swift movement and the video feed shows our lovely doctor Alpha sitting in his chair and staring at the camera. He arches his fingertips and frowns at the camera -- though when is he ever not? Unfortunately, he does look a bit on the pale and thin side. Seems he's been through something rough!]

Head Priestess. I think I'll take you up on your offer for tea now.

[a pause]

So, do I get a 'welcome home' or am I doomed to be ignored by the main populace of this city? I dislike you, you dislike me, let's bond over it.

[and then he moves his hand as if to turn off the feed but stops halfway, a look of realization on his face before he pulls his hand back]

Oh. If you stop by the clinic today, the nurses are handing out pieces of the Lamufao -- the broken bit -- to do with what you will. Either tie it around your neck or whatever, I don't give a shit. As long as you keep it on your person, that stupid shadow should leave you alone and you can go out at night again. Just do it for now so I can figure out how to get rid of it and not have you all dripping on my floors. I don't know about you but some people can't afford to hand out towels willy nilly. I've got enough on my plate without needing to restock the towel count, alright?

((OOC: For reference to you newbies and oldies, here's your good doctor.))


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