So how do i do normal [Closed]

Jul 05, 2011 00:28

Characters: shounenphelps and marauderinggrim's comatose body awakened self!
Location: Shin's new apartment on the 1st floor of Larmline Apartments
Time: Early evening, July 5th 2011
Style: Log
Status: Closed

No sooner had Shin reappeared sopping wet in front of the fountain than he went out to the coral again. He had no messages from Sirius and his name was still on the network's list; pessimism was getting to him. Shin had left Sirius several messages on his SFC over the course of his time being comatose. Receiving no message in return during the time he'd been... dead? ... he assumed that Sirius must surely still be unconscious.

Being a casual Shinto-Buddhist like most Japanese people, he had no qualms with visiting what passed for the local deity. True, it wasn't a small, humble shrine and instead evoked in him memories of Western Churches, but all the same - the locals revered Lamufao, and that was good enough for Shin. He'd found out, for example, that it would be better to offer prayers at the coral itself rather than inside the church.

He'd spoken with the Priestess to ask what sort of practices appeased the god, and committed them to memory. He performed them with the same diligence and respect that he showed during the Tea Ceremony. That task completed, he offered up a prayer - hands together, head bowed, even as he continued to drip water on the ground around him.

"O Great Lamufao, god and protector of this beautiful land, Vatheon, I beseech you. Today is the..." He checked his SFC, realizing he'd been gone for a week now. "17th day I have come before you, in deference to your great power, on behalf of my dear friend, Sirius Black. He is ill with a spiritual affliction, and has been for..." He calculated again. "34 days. It is an illness that I try nightly to heal, but without success. I hear that it is within your power to send and call people in this place, and I thank you for not sending Sirius away like his friends, as much as it pained him. For whatever reason, you've seen fit to retain me, and him, for a purpose I don't ask to be revealed to me. Perhaps I served it just now, when I fell to that creature? Please, if you wish, continue to use me for any purposes you see fit, if only to bring him back to us here, to me, his friend. Thank you, Honored One, and please accept this offering in your name."

He then dropped a few local coins on the alter, clapped twice, bowed, then clapped again when he stood up again. That wasn't a Lamufao tradition, but it made Shin feel better, and anything to soothe his fears at this point was a good thing. With that, he headed back to his apartment.

Shin had been getting exhausted at first, trying to use his power from the Suiko armor to Heal the Spirit in Sirius. Thankfully that had changed after he started praying to Lamufao. He'd carried Sirius unconscious on his back all the way to a spare room on the first floor of Larmline, then Shin moved down there himself. It was more important to him to have that quick access on the first floor than stay in the apartment he'd first taken over. He'd left Sirius in the spare bedroom, and checked on him a couple of times a day.

Every night before bed, Shin would come into Sirius's room to use his Heal the Spirit power. For the first few days, Shin simply stood on the far end of the room; that was as close as he needed to be, from what he'd remembered before coming to Vatheon. After a week of visiting the Lamufao coral - June 19th - Shin started sitting in a chair a few feet from Sirius's bed. The night before his defeat - June 25th - he started to get more desperate; he scooted the chair right up against the bed. Then, he'd turn Sirius's right palm up, place his armor orb in that palm, place his own right hand over top of the orb, and then activate his power.

Tonight was to be no different, in Shin's mind. He planned to get dry as a first order of business, maybe get something to eat, then try using his power again before bed. That was all he thought about as he opened the door to his apartment...

sirius black, mouri shin

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