Because bothering Karkat never gets old.

Jun 25, 2011 14:32

Characters: bethehugejerk and yerawizarderri
Location: Karkat's Hive
Time: Midday?
Style: Action
Status: Closed.

[So shit went down and Terezi seemed to not be in the hive, which was a plus for Eridan, maybe not so much for his moirail. But! This meant that Eridan could totally come over and bother the Cancer now, right? Right. So he's doing just that, making his way down the hall and knocking on that door. It wasn't like they had spent much time together past that week where everything was a RPG.]

[And despite the REASON being something to do with him as to why Terezi was absent, he was hoping Karkat wasn't pissed at him too, because really this was Terezi's fault, not his and he just wanted to give Karkat some company. Totally not because he's feeling lonely himself, oh no, not at all!]

Hey, Kar, open up.

karkat vantas, eridan ampora

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