one ✻ pop the bubble

Jun 22, 2011 23:06

Characters: chairplay and vatheon
Location: Plaza!
Time: Morningish
Style: First
Status: Open!!

[Hiro was... slightly frantic, though he wouldn't show it. Brain whirling with thought after thought of where am I where's Gota what happened but he stays calm on the outside. A smile ever present on his face as he stands near the coral and watches the locals go ( Read more... )

kurenai wataru, kikuchi hiro, matthew, spades slick

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kamen_luthier June 23 2011, 03:23:13 UTC
[Wataru stops and turns when he hears Hiro's voice, blinking a little at him. He takes in Hiro's wet clothes, clinging transparently to his skin, and understanding lights his eyes as he moves closer.]

I'm sorry--you're new here, right? [Wataru smiles, shy and wide.] How can I help?


chairplay June 23 2011, 03:26:17 UTC
[ah! good! someone who seemed pretty acceptable to just-- not being a bother. a smile spreads across his face and he gestures a bit to his clothes]

... I really need something dry, heh.


kamen_luthier June 23 2011, 03:35:35 UTC
Well--you're in a placed called Vatheon, and it's impossible to leave, but everything is free here. So you can go into any store and get things.

...if you want, though, you could come back to my place and borrow something, too, and I could answer your questions. You must have a lot of them.


chairplay June 23 2011, 04:37:52 UTC
-- Oh!

[a blink. well, that was easy, is everyone in this... bubble thing so gullible--

Well, perhaps not gullible as Hiro didn't have much in mind but hey, free stuff, let's go]

That would be really nice of you. I do have a lot of questions after all.


kamen_luthier June 23 2011, 05:36:31 UTC
[Wataru smiled, looking incredibly pleased.]

Great! Follow me then, please. [Wataru tilts his head, warm and friendly.] How do you feel? Besides tired, cold, damp and disoriented, of course. That happens to nearly everyone.


chairplay June 23 2011, 05:47:39 UTC
[follows!! still totally bewildered though]

I'm fine. A bit hungry, I suppose.

[.... why does he care-- totally just looking around as they walk now]


kamen_luthier June 23 2011, 06:17:38 UTC
[Wataru nods and smiles.]

We can get you food, too. I'm glad you're not feeling too bad, though! It can be a problem with newcomers--I know I was exhausted when I first came here.


chairplay June 23 2011, 14:42:01 UTC
Exhausted, huh? Well, I suppose I'm a bit tired but nothing I can't handle.


Is the food good around here? I bet they have amazing fish.


kamen_luthier June 23 2011, 20:28:19 UTC
[HE IS SO CHARMED HIRO YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW he just laughs, his eyes bright.]

There are lots of people from an unimaginable number of places, so they have all kinds of food. You could probably find almost anything you'd want. Or could think of. And some things you couldn't, probably.


chairplay June 23 2011, 20:39:15 UTC
[... oh. that's neat-- he hasn't tried much of anything food wise WAIT HIRO STOP LIKING THIS PLACE FOR A SECOND focus on the game plan]

Huh. Well, I hope they have onigiri at least.


kamen_luthier June 23 2011, 20:45:27 UTC
They do! And if they don't make them the way you like, appliances and groceries are free too, so cooking is easy.

[Wataru is pleased he seems pleased *^*]


chairplay June 23 2011, 21:00:21 UTC
[wow this place is cool dsjfhjhf FUCK NO need to get home and get back to Gota--



his friend is all alone okay flash of sadness how are you]

Where am I going to live?


kamen_luthier June 23 2011, 21:04:04 UTC
[Wataru's brows furrow and he reaches out to touch Hiro's shoulder hesitantly.]

Um... the housing is free here, so that's all right too. And there are a few empty houses on my block that are comfortable, if you'd want to take a look while you borrow some things.


chairplay June 23 2011, 21:12:36 UTC
Oh. Maybe I will!

[or maybe not. probably not. he didn't like houses, too open and spacious and homey--]

Are we close? These clothes are kind of uncomfortable.


kamen_luthier June 24 2011, 20:31:36 UTC
We are! It's just around here--

[He turns the corner onto his street and pushes the door open to his house, leading Hiro inside.]

Come on upstairs, and we can find you something that fits you.


chairplay June 24 2011, 21:07:55 UTC
[okay now he feels a bit bad-- why was this guy being so friendly to him? it's not like Hiro cared about him or anything and they just met and--dfsjhkfjh

But he follows after anyway, smile on his face]

I'm Hiro, by the way.


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