scargasm and
vatheon Location: The Plaza
Time: mid-afternoon
Style: first, because i am lazy.
[When Deadpool woke up, he was covered in water and a few, how we say, flesh wounds through his suit. Or deep, gaping, bloody gashes across his chest, whichever you prefer. Still, he stands up without a care in the world, eying his surroundings.]
This is not the dimension I was in.
[We were in, you idiot. Where the fuck are we?]
Waterworld. End story. Look, fishies. That is so cool. Man, did they upgrade the place? Those commercials never lived up to their full potential.
[We’ve never been to Waterworld. Duh. He said commericals, didn’t he?]
Looks like some whacky dimension decided to sneak up on us.
[You think?]
Whoa, I need to take a piss.
[Some of the locals are staring at Deadpool with concern, while others hurry past him because yes, he is talking to himself. He doesn’t mind. He may be dripping in blood and water, but that doesn’t really matter. He just needs to pee. As long as he gets that taken care of, he’ll worry about the bigger things later. So, he wanders over to a fountain to answer the call of nature. He would have found a bathroom, buuuut... ]