Vatheon, prepare to be destroyed. No, really- watch out.

Jun 18, 2011 23:25

Characters: Orihara Izaya vs. the World (...Vatheon)
Location: The Plaza
Time: Night
Style: Action, action, action!
Status: Open for business.

[That had been one hell of a punch. That black Russian was seriously going to give him a lot of free ootoro in payment for the bruise Izaya now had around his eye. Ah but wait- what do we have here...?]

Ah did Simon hit my head so hard that my brain ruptured? Is this heaven--

[Thud. That thought didn't make it far. Orihara Izaya, one soaked informant, is now laying casually strewn across the ground on his back. He's scuffed up to hell and back. Don't worry, he's not dead (yet), just suffering from a bit of head trauma. Not like that's new to that or anything. Although it must've been the travel to Vatheon that's knocked him out a bit mixed with the punch to the face. Tonight was going to be a long night. Oh, wait, wait! We have some stirring...]

Nya~! My head...

[He's just going to cover his face now and pray to a non-existent God that the pain goes away. Screw getting up. He's comfortable....And dizzy. Really though, is this heaven?]

hilbert, yusuke urameshi, shizuo heiwajima, kazutaka muraki, hajime tounomine, izaya orihara, minato arisato, tsukasa, tohru adachi

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