♓ [Action]Filtered Text] - S)(OPPING~ and swimming? /gasp

Jun 14, 2011 22:59

Characters: Feferi Peixes and Equius Zahhak
Location: Starting at the plaza, and then pretty much every single shop after that~
Time: Afternoon-Early evening
Style: Whatev'
Status: Closed

[Guess what time it is Equius? SHOPPING TIME. And GUESS WHO GETS A MESSAGE ON THEIR SFC? Oh yes, you, it's a command too, because she knows you'll dawdle around not wanting to go.]

Plaza, now.
S)(opping time! )(ee)(ee.

[And with that, she's waiting at the plaza, ready to start this shopping spree for whatever they need! Or well, whatever Equius needs. And to be honest, she's planning on picking up a heck of a lot as well. Thank god her to-be shopping partner has big strong man arms is a pack mule!]

feferi peixes, equius zahhak

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