Honey you say that I'm cold / And sometimes I'm out of control [Closed]

Jun 09, 2011 22:53

Characters: shounenphelps, timeystorm, and marauderinggrim's comatose body
Location: Yutopil Apartments, then heading for the clinic but stopped short
Time: Early evening, June 3rd 2011
Style: Log
Status: Closed

It had been a week since Sirius and Shin had seen or spoken to each other. The way Sirius had been acting around Shin had started to bother him, because he wasn't sure how to take it anymore - it just felt like more than friendship coming from Sirius, and Shin felt bad that he suspected such a thing. He wanted to put those thoughts out of his mind, because where he came from it simply wasn't something prevalent among men, let alone something you asked right out.

Shin had finally convinced himself that it was just some deeper cultural misunderstanding between East & West that had caused the disconnect, and thus the distance. He swore that he wouldn't bring it up; by way of apology, he went to Sirius's place with a cherry cobbler in hand and hoped that Sirius would be in. Maybe then they could go hang about some more - perhaps check out the pirate ship again, now that he didn't have to conceal from Sirius his slightly exceptional martial prowess.

He knocked twice and then called out. "Syr, it's me!" Nothing. "... Shin!" Still nothing. "I'm sorry, we were preparing for the Host Club event today, and..." He paused. "And I hope you'll forgive me for being absent lately..."

Placing his hand on the door, Shin realized that it wasn't even locked - it had barely been shut in the first place. Worried, Shin pushed harder until the door swung open. At first glance, nothing looked out of place - simply vacant, like perhaps Sirius had gone out and not latched his door.

However, as Shin's gaze passed over the main living room for the second time, he spied a book that had been dropped binding-up onto the floor. Cautiously, he took a step into the room and, as his perspective changed, he finally saw a tussled mess of black hair that was all too familiar.


The pie dropping onto the low table made a loud clatter as Shin tucked into a kneel beside Sirius. He took stock of the situation first, not knowing whether it would be safe to move his friend. A panicked once-over showed no blood, no burns, no limbs twisted unnaturally save for falling in such a manner.

He just passed out. That's all, Shin assured himself. He touched Sirius on the shoulders and tried to rouse him first. When that didn't work, he turned Sirius over and placed his head to the taller boy's chest. A rush of breath left Shin and he even mumbled aloud, "Alive. Okay." Next he placed two fingers under Sirius's nose to make sure he was breathing regularly. He was.

Shin sat back on his knees, hands resting in his lap for a moment of collecting his thoughts. He turned to Sirius's blank face with a worried expression. "What happened to you?"

Having never been to the clinic, Shin had no idea if they were still open with normal business hours. He'd walked around enough to think he remembered where it was. The only problem would be getting Sirius there. He furrowed his brow, then nodded with resolve. "I'll go quickly, so no one sees me except for a blur."

He stood up and pulled his armor orb out of his pocket, then held it out in front of himself. "HA!" After the burst of light subsided, Shin stood in his white-and-cyan sub-armor. "First time here..." He looked down at Sirius again. "I only hope I made it in time." People didn't just pass out for no reason - just because Sirius was relatively 'okay' right then didn't mean he'd stay okay.

After a bit of maneuvering, he managed to get Sirius into a piggy-backed position where Shin was holding onto one of Sirius's arms over his shoulder and supporting Sirius's lower body with his other arm under Sirius's butt.

Narrowing his eyes, Shin ran out the door at a sprint. Sirius's weight was nothing while Shin was in his sub-armor, and so Shin was able to run at almost full speed through the darkening streets. To people not paying attention, Shin simply looked like a gust of wind.

He skidded to a halt eventually, looking around. "I thought it was... Oh shit!" It was exactly what he didn't want to happen.

Someone else was looking right at them.

the tenth doctor, sirius black, mouri shin

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