♓ [YAY SWIMMING...wait a second...]

Jun 06, 2011 11:32

Characters: Feferi and Anyone~
Location: Plaza, near a fountain
Time: Late Afternoon
Style: I'll go with your flow
Status: Open like the sea

[Just going to not notice the bars above her head, or the words "Witch of Life", or really anything about her strange attire, Feferi's kind of in a 'need's to swim mode' and heads immediately to the plaza. ( Read more... )

feferi peixes

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oldestfriend June 6 2011, 16:09:47 UTC
[The poor girl's issues draw the attention of a certain dancer. The title floating above her head, 'oldesfriend', certainly seems to fit. Even with the game mechanics, there's still that sense of familiarity as she kneels down in front of Feferi and places a reassuring hand on her shoulder.]

Just relax, Feferi. Everything will be alright. It's a game no one signed up for. Do you remember FLARP? It's like that.


witch_of_life June 6 2011, 16:17:27 UTC
But but but! I....Okay I remember FLARP, yeah...

[She jumps at her touch and panics a little before looking to her with a weary expression. Feferi bites her lip and nods. She...never really played FLARP, that was Eridan's thing. Not that she never wanted to, she just never had time...]

I just, why am I so maaaaaad?! I'm never like this! I mean, it feels kind of neat, and whale, finteresting, but still!


oldestfriend June 6 2011, 16:22:04 UTC
Mad, huh? [Death taps her lips slightly.] That means you're a berserker class.

They're one of the most powerful warriors. Their anger is what makes them so resistant to pain. If I had to guess? Doing some quests might help get rid of all that nasty stress.

[Smiling still in her usual reassuring manner, Death stands up and offers a hand to the young troll.]

How about we team up? If worse comes to worse, I think I know another way to calm you down.


witch_of_life June 6 2011, 16:29:01 UTC
...Anger makes me resist pain? [She hated hurting things so...violence was never the answer.]

[Even if it felt like, it was okay to hurt things now. Whoa, no that's weird. Now she's getting made at herself for not accepting it, ARG..FFUUU...okay, settle down girl, settle down. Feferi sighs, standing up as she takes the other girl's hand, nodding with a small smile.]

Quests? Whatever can help me calm down I guess... [Ugh, this is...so weird. But quests kind of sound...exciting.]


oldestfriend June 6 2011, 16:35:00 UTC
Okay! Off we go~.

[Humming- and picking up a large boom box that really doesn't seem to go with her exotic Dancer clothes- Death guides Feferi throughout the plaza, keeping an eye out for anyone giving quests. After a while, she points to someone.]

I'm pretty sure that person needs these herbs from the park, but there's an out of control bull guarding them. How about that?


witch_of_life June 6 2011, 16:46:55 UTC
A bull? I think I can deal with that... [She pauses, a large smile pulling over her face.]

That sounds...pretty exciting! Let's go! [Feferi nods, doing a little fist pump with huge clawed hand, smiling at Death.]

So we just do quests like this then? Seems not horribubbley bad! I just...arg, wish I wasn't so mad... Maybe hurting that bull will help. [Whoa did she just...say that?]


oldestfriend June 6 2011, 17:12:26 UTC
Like I said, it'll be alright! If it gets too unbearable, just tell me.

[That said, Death goes up to the quest giver. Quest accepted, team style! Gesturing for Feferi to follow her, she leads her to the park. It's easy to spot their objective. There's nothing less obvious than a huger-than-normal bull stampeding around some flourishing plants.

When it spots the two girls, it quickly charges towards them. Death's reaction?

To calmly put down the boombox, turn it on... Well. She is a Dancer. If she chooses to have her skills accompanied by Beyonce, well... Hey, the bull has skid to a stop. It's... definitely confused.

...so it worked?

Death just kind of laughs lightly and winks to Feferi. Doesn't stop dancing.]

Knock him out, Fef!


witch_of_life June 6 2011, 17:22:42 UTC
[In a stomping, tantrum like manner, Feferi follows Death, huffing and groaning all the way as she tries to calm down continuously, only to well, get agitated all over again. It's an endless cycle, really. She watches the quest giver, and then Death...dancing? What the glub? Feferi snarls at the bull, watching it come to a halt and her hands clench into fists, standing in a defensive stance, her arms down at her sides.]

...Knock him OUT!?

[She looks over to Death with a surprised expression, only to look back to the bull who doesn't seem to understand what's happening. Okay, um, what... Wait... She suddenly feels her self start to shake and her claws shoot open at her sides, eyes glaring forward at the bull.]

[Quickly, she darts forward, throwing back her right hand and striking down on the bull hard. The bull snarls and slides back, knocking it out for a little while, but, not too long!]

[Feferi steps back, breathing hard, her head completely black and swimming in rage.]


oldestfriend June 6 2011, 22:46:15 UTC
[Death is just going to stand back here while Feferi uses the bull as a punching bag. She doesn't feel like getting in the way, and it seems like Fef has things under control.


In that Berserkery fashion.

She'll step in if things get too crazy.]


witch_of_life June 6 2011, 22:57:47 UTC
[Feferi writhes while she stands near the bull, trying to clear her mind, but her ability 'Berserk!' isn't really letting that happen. She takes a few more shots at the bull before it staggers up on all fours and grinds it's front right hoof on the ground. A second passes before it darts forward and slams it's head into Feferi who grabs it's hold to hold it back. Her health bar goes down a bit, but nothing too extreme before she curls her claws more on the horns and slams her foot into it's skull.]

[The bull teeters and falls, the troll girl letting go of it and breathing hard before squatting down beside it.]

Ohh...poor bull...


oldestfriend June 7 2011, 00:49:46 UTC
[Mission accomplished! Death comes closer and pats Feferi's shoulder.]

If the force behind this did any homework, then I doubt this will keep the bull down for long. Don't worry.

Feel better?


witch_of_life June 7 2011, 00:56:41 UTC
If you say so... [She frowns, standing up. Feferi gives her a small smile and a nod.]

I feel...better, I think! I got a little hurt though, are there like...ways to heal or somefin?


oldestfriend June 8 2011, 18:35:11 UTC
Yes! I got a starter pack from one of the locals... And people around here should be healers. Here...

[After rustling around on her person, she pulls a little red potion out from somewhere.]

Ta da! Good ol' health potion.


witch_of_life June 8 2011, 20:16:26 UTC
Oh! Neat, heehee.

So should we go on another quest?


oldestfriend June 11 2011, 18:51:09 UTC
I'd love to. Do you want something different this time? Or more of a challenge?


witch_of_life June 12 2011, 03:29:18 UTC
Challenge! This is exciting! [Once she yanks the idea of this being 'fake' into her head, Feferi's much more okay with this whole thing.]


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