chuchu I don't think we're in hoenn anymore...

Jun 02, 2011 18:54

Characters: Yellow and all of vatheon!
Location: Plaza
Time: Morning
Style: Any's fine with me.
Status: Open like an open field!

[ In the plaza, there's a kid in a straw hat with a hand stretched just short of touching a fairy. A yellow mouse with a pink flower on its head stands next to the kid, watching thoughtfully. This continues on for a minute before the straw hat kid sighs and pulls away from the fairy. ]

Chuchu, I don't hear anything... What about you?

[ The mouse --Chuchu-- shakes its head. ]

Well, it was worth a try. Don't worry, I'm sure we can still ask around! Someone's bound to know, right?

[ Chuchu nods energetically before chirping what sounds like "pikapi" and pointing somewhere with its tiny arms. The kid laughs in response before picking the mouse up and looking around. ]

You're right, let's go ask that person over there!

[ ...Wait, are they walking towards you now? Answer: Yes. Yes, they are. ]

cheren, roxas, yellow (pokemon), mokona modoki (larg), riza hawkeye, denmark, red (pokemon)

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