They say I'm missing out / If my feet don't touch the ground [Closed]

May 28, 2011 01:04

Characters: shounenphelps and marauderinggrim
Location: Around (in starting log); Yutopil Apartments (in current thread).
Time: Early afternoon, May 18th 2011
Style: Log
Status: Closed

Shin had promised to come by Sirius's place to be treated to dinner, and he had. He'd promised Sirius to help take his mind off what had been frustrating him in the forest, and in the 10 days since they'd met, they'd met three times. Once was just for the meal. The second time was an adventure to explore the pirate ship, since Shin didn't even know it existed. The third time had been hanging out at the movie theater, laughing their asses off at the ridiculous sea-themed movies - one a drama they came in halfway through, an action flick, and a family-friend one they aborted after about 20 minutes. By then, Shin had loosened up enough around Sirius to do things like throw popcorn at the screen or fake-scream and pretend-gasp at overly dramatized moments.

They'd become friends, and Shin was very glad for it, with how wretched Sirius had been the first time they'd met. Without the Troopers here, to have another boy his own age to call a friend - culture differences not withstanding - was just one more thing to make Vatheon feel more home-like. He was still not sure where exactly he should be looking for his purpose, what lesson he was supposed to be learning about the armors, but of any of the Troopers he was glad for a respite. Even if it was just a dream reality.

Today, Sirius had asked him back to his apartment at Yutopil, claiming he had something 'really wicked' to show Shin. So, Shin went right up to the 3rd room on the 6th floor and knocked twice. "Syr, it's me."

Really, who else would show up in plaid pants and a vest-and-collared-shirt combo?

sirius black, mouri shin

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