Open Log

May 26, 2011 10:06

Characters: wavesoakedlegs, behisstrength, kagayakashi and all the guests!
Location: 12 Olie Street in the Phanga neighbourhood.
Time: Throughout the afternoon.
Style: Whatever you wish!
Status: This is an open log for Gracia's birthday celebrations, so set up threads and mingle with one another. Anybody is welcome! Your hosts and behisstrength will be around, of course but the mundanes won't, so ( Read more... )

akechi mitsuhide, gracia, chosokabe motochika (samurai warriors)

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wavesoakedlegs June 14 2011, 16:39:21 UTC
[Mitsuhide waits for Gracia to finish before speaking, pondering on her words. Her husband? Mention of a husband is not actually surprising to him, though he cannot imagine choosing a match for her would have been easy, and besides, it is not the time to question her about such details. Mentions of Hideyoshi dwell on his mind a little more. He can vividly remember facing the man one-on-one, and the words both of them had said then. The leader of the Toyotomi spoke both harsh words and surprsingly gentle ones. Accusations of indecision and weakness, but also a promse to rule the land well one day. Mitsuhide had been allowed to flee when word of Motochika's defeat had been announced across the battlefield.]

[Even now, Mitsuhide could not fathom why Hideyoshi had let him do so. Punishment or mercy? Maybe both? Perhaps things were a little different in Gracia's world, but he would likely not be an obstacle, provided his other self was kept out of sight.]

[But no matter what, Gracia is strong; a lot stronger than he himself was, even if she felt otherwise. It is something to feel proud of, and he does. She is definitely going to be okay, in Vatheon and beyond. Time, and her own fire, would ensure that.]

Stay strong, keep safe, and chase your happiness, my girl. [He touches her shoulder gently as she sinks down.] You have spirit and stubbornness just like Lord Motochika, so I know you can.

[Mitsuhide manages a smile, but in truth, he is getting worn down himself and it's beginning to show just barely in his expression. The strength he'd utilised to hold his mask in place was draining, overwhelmed by a flood of negative feelings.]

I have faith in you.

[It was not really him she was making her vow to, after all, but the Father from her world. The Father she was speaking to would be alone, when he returned to Japan, and that was that.]


behisstrength June 20 2011, 13:45:10 UTC
[Motochika doubts that; he may not have experienced the same loss at Yamazaki as Mitsuhide and Gracia had, yet he knows himself. He would not have sent Gracia away if they'd stood any chance of turning the tide of battle.

Not that any good would come out of saying as much, so Motochika does not voice it.

What's done is done.

Some good has come out of it, at least -- Gracia's resolve is the kind of legacy that honours the departed.

Motochika raises his eyebrows a fraction at mention of a husband, but that's a matter for Mitsuhide to address first, and a glance at the younger samurai reveals that Mitsuhide's thoughts are elsewhere.

Motochika recognises that expression. Silently he places a hand upon the small of Mitsuhide's back.]

The promise of a better tomorrow... there is an additional reason to celebrate. [Dwelling will do no good now; it's an unsubtle hint.] The day is not done yet.


kagayakashi June 22 2011, 07:26:31 UTC
[ Gracia stares at the cloth of the sofa. ]

Father, you're part of my happiness. I want you around, always.

[ Somehow, her birthday became bittersweet. She was supposed to be happy today, to enjoy herself, but her mind was filled with other things to worry about. Still, she couldn't allow the hardwork put into the party to go to waste, so she leans back straight and puts on her necklace quietly. ]

I'm almost an adult. One more year to go, and I really won't be a child anymore. [ Gracia smiles, though there was little mirth. ] I hope I'll still be in this city by then. [ She looks at the two, sadly. ]

I hope I don't have to leave. This place is like the land you've always dreamed of. Nobody is fighting, everyone is at peace. The curses are bad sometimes, but they go away after a while.

[ She bites her lip. It was extremely selfish on her part, but Gracia couldn't seem to bring herself to care. She says nothing else after that. Her words, her expression, they all imply what she truly desires. Perhaps it wasn't to stay in this city forever, but for her family to be happy once more. And in a large way, Vatheon brought them that happiness. She takes a deep breath again and stands, gathering her presents into her arms. Well, as much as she can carry at least. When she smiles back at them, it's not as melancholic, but it was at least genuine. ]

I'll take these up to my room, now.

[ Before she turns her back completely, she looks back and the smile has disappeared. ]

And I'm never going to take off this necklace. I promise.


wavesoakedlegs June 22 2011, 08:32:54 UTC
[Gracia has echoed one of Mitsuhide's own desires: to remain in Vatheon. Where else can he be with those he loves? Not in his Japan. Never again in his Japan. Who knew if he'd even get to keep his memories of Vatheon there? He could forget his daughter, this child of light and hope. He could forget his love for Motochika and the fact the other man had loved him back. Those who had left and returned had said different things, so it was a matter of chance...]

[With a last surge of strength, Mitsuhide offers Gracia a warm smile before she leaves and says:]

You will be happy. Everything I see in you, and heard from you today, tells me this is true.

[A nod.]

Lord Motochika is right. There is much of the day left; your friends will be here soon, I am sure. Keep smiling, Gracia.

[He waits long enough for her to leave and get to her room before speaking again. Glancing at his lover, still sat at his side, he lets his mask slip and asks:]

Do you think that was the right thing to do, my Lord?


behisstrength June 22 2011, 09:27:40 UTC
[There is only one answer Motochika can give to that question. He answers with certainty.]


[A life untouched by sorrow was impossible for those born into their age. The necklace had brought deep-seated pain to the surface for both father and daughter, yet it also gave hope for the future. It was ultimately a resounding step forward.]

For Gracia, and for yourself.


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