Open Log

May 26, 2011 10:06

Characters: wavesoakedlegs, behisstrength, kagayakashi and all the guests!
Location: 12 Olie Street in the Phanga neighbourhood.
Time: Throughout the afternoon.
Style: Whatever you wish!
Status: This is an open log for Gracia's birthday celebrations, so set up threads and mingle with one another. Anybody is welcome! Your hosts and behisstrength will be around, of course but the mundanes won't, so ( Read more... )

akechi mitsuhide, gracia, chosokabe motochika (samurai warriors)

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BIRTHDAY TIMEZ! dystopiadreams May 26 2011, 10:51:33 UTC
*Selphie's making her way oh-so carefully through the decorated garden with a box in her hands. Mitsuhide at least kinda got the idea of what she meant, but the Japanese traditional decorations were just too pretty!*

*She wobbles up to the front door, and realising that she can't let go of her box [it's medium sized, with holes in the side, and a big purple ribbon with a fancy bow, and a tag with Gracia's name on] she decides to knock on the door with her foot*


DAMN STRAIGHT kagayakashi May 26 2011, 12:37:30 UTC
[ Gracia answers the door promptly, and she looks surprised! ]

Sel? [ She spots the box in her arms. Gracia tilts her head and thinks. It's either she came to make a delivery, or... ]

Did you come here for me? [ sdklghsdklg. ]


dystopiadreams May 26 2011, 22:32:56 UTC

*It's as good an answer as any! She beams brightly and lifts the box towards her friend*


kagayakashi May 27 2011, 04:10:36 UTC
[ Gracia beams back and carefully handles the present, before ushering her in by outstretching her hand. ]

Thank you! I'm so glad to see you! [ Especially after she --

-- Gracia shook off that thought and hugged the girl tight. ]


dystopiadreams May 27 2011, 07:28:19 UTC
It's really good to see you too Gracia!~

*Yeah, she knows all about how stupid she was, and that she died, but it was Gracia's birthday and that was the focus right now*

So how old are ya now?

*Selphie skips into the house, glancing around and being somewhat reminded of her own with Kenshin*


kagayakashi May 27 2011, 08:00:04 UTC
[ What happened to Selphie gave Gracia lots of things to think about, but right now - right now was a happy day. ]

[ She holds the present to her chest and follows Selphie around. Her father and Motochika would be around to greet her later! ]

I'm nineteen today. [ Gracia breathes in deeply, a smile still on her face. ] One more year to go!


dystopiadreams May 27 2011, 08:06:12 UTC
Nineteen! Same age as me! will be when it gets to my birthday!

*Selphie giggled and spun round to Gracia, beaming brightly*

One more year? For what? And aren't you gonna open your present?

*Not making sense, but she's excited!*


kagayakashi May 27 2011, 08:10:40 UTC
For when I come of age, and finally become an official adult! Like father and Motochika! [ She laughs and looks at the present in her hands. ]

Is it alright if I do? I'd very much like to see what's inside!


dystopiadreams May 27 2011, 08:16:36 UTC
Oh! But I'm 18 and I'm already an adult!

*Selphie giggles furtively as she looks at the box - take a peek inside, Gracia! There's a little fluffy sleeping chocobo chick inside!*


1/2 kagayakashi May 27 2011, 08:25:20 UTC
[ She carefully unwraps it as she speaks. ]

Back home, that's our tradition. Your coming of age happens when you turn twenty years old. [ Still unwrapping, careful of the box... ] Aah, it must be really nice to be an adult already, Sel!

[ Okay it's unwrapped! And -- ]


kagayakashi May 27 2011, 08:27:18 UTC
[ She drops the cover and she's grinning from ear to ear. After a bright exclamation, Gracia carefully reaches down to the sleeping chick, touching it. ]

A baby chick...? [ She can't take her eyes off of it. ]


dystopiadreams May 27 2011, 09:40:34 UTC
It's a chocobo chick! Your dad said you liked things from other worlds, so I thought you might like it. And it's super cute!

If you don't wanna have it at the house, you can bring it to the barn to live with the others!


kagayakashi May 27 2011, 12:32:43 UTC
A chocobo? [ Certainly she's never heard of a chocobo before. Gracia stares at the sleeping chick and cradles its in her hands. It doesn't awaken, but yawns quietly. She smiles so wide she feels her cheeks about to tear. ]

So this is from your world, Sel?

[ Gracia puts it back in the box, but doesn't cover it to give it some air. ]

I'll ask father first. How big does it get when its all grown up?


dystopiadreams May 27 2011, 20:01:26 UTC
Uh huh! They are birds from my world, and they're here in Vatheon!~

*Selphie is positively beaming with delight at how happy Gracia looks - this present was definitely a good idea*

Uh...they get pretty big. She'd have to live outside eventually. You can ride on them!


kagayakashi May 28 2011, 06:05:52 UTC
I wonder how they arrived here. Did they come with you?

[ Gracia handles the box carefully, still smiling and still quite happy. ]

You can ride them? Ahh, like a horse! That's so amazing! [ She sighs contentedly ~ ] Teach me how to properly take care of it, alright? Is it a boy or girl?


dystopiadreams May 28 2011, 09:20:53 UTC
Hmm...I dunno! They just appeared one day, quite a while after I did.

*Selphie looks between Gracia and the box, so pleased that she could pick a present that her friend liked so much*

Well, your one is a girl, but she doesn't have a name yet so you'll haveta pick one! gotta feed it special food, and always make sure she stays shiny and clean. I've got all the bits that you need, I just didn't think they'd look so impressive all wrapped up!


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