☆ 1st Key Hole

May 25, 2011 02:06

Characters: chosen_derp, and you!
Location: Plaza.
Time: Evening.
Style: First
Status: Open~!

[ Welp, it's not everyday that you wake up soaking wet. Actually, taking that back-- rephrasing. It's not everyday you wake up soaking wet in another world. That world, which is completely unfamiliar to this little Keyblade Weider. ]

-- Huh? [ A blurry gaze peeked ( Read more... )

ao nanami, sora, riku replica, persona 3 femc (haruka arisato), axel, luka redgrave, riku

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limitless_land May 25 2011, 06:38:35 UTC
[...Well, he'd heard that Sora woke up eventually and had always been on the fence about really believing them or not. Especially since he's become even more of a skeptical cynic than before, it's gotten harder to trust someone by their word after all this time. So when he's out on a walk, mainly to get groceries since a certain lazy bum is asleep and Luka was busy, the last thing ht was expecting was-

'Riku... Kairi?'

Riku stops dead in his tracks, hood still hiding his face. Ever since he tracked down a certain witch he's been rather protective and paranoid, not leaving the house often. Today was a rare occasion. Hearing that voice and now that he was paying attention to other hearts that weren't just those he was on guard about.


He wasn't too far from his position, either - just inside hearing range. But to let his friend see him like this... No, that wasn't just what he was worried about. Facing Sora in this state, while just before coming here he knew that the progress to restore his memories had slowed down to almost a complete halt - it was overwhelming to realize that he truly would wake up. That whatever it would take to do so... it would work. That the struggling would be in vain.

But what would it take? Riku doesn't know, but the one thing he's certain. Sora's here, and he's calling out for him and Kairi.

The cloaked figure approaches, cautious. Sora would probably try to attack him in this getup - he knew he would if the roles were reversed, but still. He wordlessly holds out a towel, not quite trusting his own voice just yet. Let Sora dry off first, and gauge his reaction. See how long it's been since he woke up...

...I can't believe it. Am I... sensing things that aren't there?]


SORRY I WAS SAVING THE BEST FOR LAST then I had to go. o_o; chosen_derp May 26 2011, 01:15:33 UTC
[ Sora continues along steadily until something catching the corner of his eye. It's dark, and at first a little hard to make out, but as the figure draws closer the realization finally seeps in.

At first Sora's initial reaction would be action. Considering he knew that 99.999 present of the time black cloak = Organization. Not only that, but the horrifying thought in the back of his mind that the Organization did somehow get brought back to life. Which would only mean more problems for him and his friends. The only difference was... this time he was alone.

That's alright, Sora could protect himself if need be as his stance followed suit with his expression. Hard, defensive, and full of caution. That was though, until the cloaked figure made his next move. ]

Huh-- [ The glare that had once seconds ago hung against his face was now replaced with question. He doesn't take the towel just yet, still a little cautious, but shoulders are now visibly relaxing. ]

Who-- who are you?


IT'S TOTALLY FINE NOW IF LJ WOULD STOP FAILING- limitless_land May 26 2011, 04:22:15 UTC
[He knew that look, even if it was hard to tell from behind the cloth. The figure chuckles under his breath, shaking his head as he instead just tosses the towel at the dork's head. Hey, he tried the nice approach first.

Yet the chuckle was halfhearted, a mixture of sadness and of relief. Because Joshua and the others had been truthful about that much. He wakes up... And this just confirmed it. Now if only he believed in Santa, then it would all be set...

And congrats, Sora. You meet the one in fifteen chance that it isn't the Organization.]

You're the one who called, Sora.


IT LIKES TO BRING US DOOOWN. chosen_derp May 26 2011, 06:03:23 UTC
[ He stiffens at the sound of chuckle, opening his mouth to speak before-- kfjbaga yeah, he's just been towel'd. The boy scrambles to remove the object from his face; half peeking out from it's contents to watch the figure's movements.

Were they... laughing? Okayokay, Sora didn't find this very funny, Mr. Black Cloaked Maybe an Organization man. Lips will purse out in the most tiniest of pouts. ]

I... called? What are you talking about? [ Because of course, the possibility of it being Riku was so foreign as of right now.

Totally. ]


WE AIN'T GOING DOWN TILL THE FAT LADY SINGS. limitless_land May 26 2011, 06:32:42 UTC
[Deal with it, you dork. And yes, yes he was laughing. Just a little bit, anyway - because that face was priceless.

Regardless, you now have a gloved hand on your head Sora, then shortly followed by- noogie time! And a slight glimpse of the silver hair beneath the hood.]

I know I'm behind on the times but, come on. [He smirks, just a little bit. It's... almost too easy to try and shove all that negativity and emotions behind him right now, but the scent...]

It's me, Sora.


OH BOY I LOVE SINGING-- I mean what. chosen_derp May 26 2011, 19:59:12 UTC
[ Alright, you're already on Sora's suspicious list, so don't make it worse by touching him. He was about to react-- about to jerk away before a pain instantly shot through his skull. ]

Youch! [ The Keyblade Wielder yelped, helpless from the noogie-- but that was when he noticed it. It was a second's glance, but he saw those strands of hair from beneath that cloak. ]

Wait... Riku-!? [ Blue orbs fluttered open with a surprising jolt. ] You're here, too? And-- [ A pause, those surprised eyes now narrowing into a squint. ] --why are you wearing that again?


:| limitless_land May 27 2011, 00:07:44 UTC
[ Aw... You sadden your biffle, you derp. And he wasn't placing that much pressure on your skull; geez. ]

Finally caught on, huh. [There's a faint smirk crossing his lips, but it fades as he lets Sora go. So he really is able to let go at some point, and able to get away without having to wear these some time in the future. That too was a bit of a relief, but-]

Because, Sora... This world makes a habit of taking people from different times.


8'D chosen_derp June 10 2011, 18:43:09 UTC
[ He's sensitive, alright! With a little more struggling the boy wiggles himself free-- or, wobbles away when Riku let's go. Details.

Insert oddly confused look here! ]

Wait, different times? What's that suppose to mean?


- -u limitless_land June 10 2011, 18:50:38 UTC
[He sees that wobble, man. Sorry that he still sucks at curative magic.

Insert a line-face here.]

The heart of this world likes breaking the rules of time and space even more than Xigbar does.

[He pauses.] ...I'm from the past.


chosen_derp June 10 2011, 18:54:47 UTC
[ Cue that horribly puzzled look. Yeah, a lot of this really doesn't make sense to him. Which is almost painfully clear on his face.

So brb, give him a minute to think about this. ]

Time and space, huh? Sounds a little weird. [ Then again, he's been through worse. He also has no reason not to trust Riku, so might as well! ]

How far back in the past?


B| ... ... ...♥ limitless_land June 10 2011, 19:04:48 UTC
[Yeah, it made no sense to him whatsoever until, well... a very large amount of mindfuck. Said mindfuck involved Demyx acting like they were friends, same with Axel.

It's been a weird couple months, man.]

Yeah. That's what I thought, too. Then I came across others from our world here that looked older, and people who knew me from a time I wasn't...

[He shakes his head, crossing his arms.] ...You were still asleep when I was pulled here. [And speaking of--]

Didn't you promise to take care of her? Way to leave me with all the work again.


/.... cliiiings. 1/2 chosen_derp June 10 2011, 19:22:42 UTC
[ Questionable eyes glances from Riku to the floor, then back to Riku. Was -- that really all possible?

When he was asleep... it felt like ages from then, and judging by his outfit it only made the story more true. ]

Really? That's--


chosen_derp June 10 2011, 19:23:05 UTC
[ Was that a sputter? Totally not. ]

-- I did promise, and I still am!


limitless_land June 10 2011, 20:36:57 UTC
[...Yep, just like before. He chuckles at the sputter.]

You just took a year-long break, huh?


chosen_derp June 15 2011, 03:36:44 UTC
Well, it is Kairi. It's a lot of work!


limitless_land June 15 2011, 04:06:20 UTC
Oh, really.

[Eh, he's just teasing, but... he motions for Sora to follow. Needless to say he's not that comfortable being out in the open for extended periods of time.] Fair enough. Come on, I'll tell you more about this place somewhere more private.


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