☆ 1st Key Hole

May 25, 2011 02:06

Characters: chosen_derp, and you!
Location: Plaza.
Time: Evening.
Style: First
Status: Open~!

[ Welp, it's not everyday that you wake up soaking wet. Actually, taking that back-- rephrasing. It's not everyday you wake up soaking wet in another world. That world, which is completely unfamiliar to this little Keyblade Weider. ]

-- Huh? [ A blurry gaze peeked ( Read more... )

ao nanami, sora, riku replica, persona 3 femc (haruka arisato), axel, luka redgrave, riku

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boundbynaught May 25 2011, 06:25:56 UTC
[Rep shows up in this outfit, after Corridor Stepping out just long enough to grab lunch. He isn't planning on sticking around very long, but that hair is unmistakable, even if the owner is a little older than he remembers.

Rep isn't sure he wants to approach, but decides that he needs to make sure - Ven said Vanitas looked like Sora, so which one was this? He doesn't feel like a dark presence, so it must be Sora.]

You grew up a little since I saw you last, Sora. You probably... don't remember who I am. Do you?


1/2 chosen_derp May 25 2011, 18:08:07 UTC
[ Lookin' snazzy in that outfit, little Riku. He doesn't notice at first, but the moment Sora's eyes flicker to a familiar figure-- his head snapped into that direction. ]


[ Whoa whoa, what? Sure, that looked like Riku but considering the last time he saw the boy-- granted that was only a few minutes ago-- he was much... well, older. ]


chosen_derp May 25 2011, 18:08:29 UTC
[ So excuse him if he gives you the most confused face he could possibly muster up as an expression. ]

Of course I remember you! But... did you do something different with your hair?


boundbynaught May 25 2011, 19:25:45 UTC
I'm not your best friend, Sora. [But boy does he have the posturing and tone down pat. He's got his shoulders thrown back and the same little hand motions to accompany his speech.] I just look like him.

I... [Still hard to say this.] go by Caden here.


chosen_derp May 26 2011, 05:51:08 UTC
[ Well, he speaks like Riku, and even makes those weird hand motions like him. Everything would point to the fact that he is but--

the fact still remains about the appearance in general. It's almost as if he stepped back in time. ]

Caden? But then why-- [ Why do you look like him?>/i> ]


boundbynaught May 26 2011, 15:59:50 UTC
[His voice takes on a hard edge.] I thought maybe something would happen to your memories again. Castle Oblivion... the Organization, they sure like to make a mess of things.

[He sighs. Best to just get it out there.] I'm a replica, created by the Organization, but if you forgot about me, then that's fine... I just had to make sure it was you, Sora.


chosen_derp May 26 2011, 19:59:53 UTC
[ Wait wait, what was all of this about the Organization, and Castle Oblivion? The obvious look of confusion was clear.

And yet-- ] I don't remember meeting you before, but... maybe we can start over?

[ The beginnings of a small smile form, and Sora even starts a small advance towards the replica. ] Nice to meetcha' Caden, I'm Sora!


boundbynaught May 27 2011, 04:21:34 UTC
Same old Sora. [He actually smiles - somberly, but he does. He even goes along with the pretend restart - maybe it was better this way. He wouldn't remember he ever attacked him, or lied to him, or helped the Organization hurt him. Maybe, this time...]

Hey Sora. Nice to meet you too.

I can't stay out too long, but I can show you a place to get some food?


chosen_derp May 27 2011, 20:49:05 UTC
[ Same old Sora, huh? Well, it looked like he really did know him. Best to roll along with it with a chuckle. ]

Oh? Well, alright then; that'd be great! All this excitement is making me kinda hungry, anyways.


boundbynaught May 28 2011, 15:53:53 UTC
Well then, come on - [He starts walking off.] Victori Garden's this way. It's where somebody took me on my first day here, too.

[There were so many other questions he wanted to ask, but Sora wouldn't know the answers to half of them anymore, so he just... walks in silence for a bit.]


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