TURN 001 ★ Projectile Vomiting Not Preferred

May 19, 2011 13:15

Characters: cardinalist and You ♥
Location: Plaza
Time: Morning
Style: Action/Prose (I will follow)
Status: As OPEN as (Insert preferred metaphor ( Read more... )

yukari takeba, ventus, kururugi suzaku, medusa, miroku, luka redgrave

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screwperseus May 21 2011, 16:44:16 UTC
[Medusa sees the tell-tale signs of a newbie pretty quickly and makes her way over to help.]

Good morning. I'm Doctor Medusa. Are you injured at all?


cardinalist May 21 2011, 17:15:50 UTC
[At first he imagines the infamous gorgon he remembers reading about in class when he hear the name so the look on his face is slightly shocked.]

I'm not too certain. I think I...hit my head rather badly on my way down here. Lucky I ran into a doctor first thing, huh?

[For a brief moment, he pales considerably and looks like he might just pass out as a vicious case of vertigo shocks his system]


screwperseus May 22 2011, 02:58:00 UTC
[Medusa looks mildly alarmed and reaches out her arms slightly in case she needs to catch him.]

Perhaps you should lie down?


cardinalist May 22 2011, 03:04:34 UTC
I'm afraid my won't be willing to get back up for a while if that happens.

[He laughs just a little at that, albeit weakly]

I'd rather not sleep sprawled and feverish out in an open market.

[He tries to stand. Fails. The military would not be quiet so proud of him at the moment.]


screwperseus May 22 2011, 03:53:32 UTC
[She hesitates for a moment before speaking.]

I have a room in my house set aside as a clinic. If you'd like, you're welcome to stay there over night while you recover.

Tell me, what's the last thing you remember happening? It's a little odd for injuries to occur upon arrival.


cardinalist May 22 2011, 04:00:41 UTC
I...[was helping to stage a coup d'état, is what he wants to say but decides that may not be the best way to formally introduce himself.]

...I was in the middle of a fight, so to speak. I was 36000 feet in the air - that's a safe estimate - er...piloting. [It was the simplest way he could put it]

Maybe the sudden pressure change...? [But he decides to leave the diagnosis to the actual professional] Honestly, if you wouldn't mind I think I'll have to take you up on your offer, Doctor.


screwperseus May 22 2011, 04:14:45 UTC
Hm. That is possible. [She lightly catches hold of his wrist to take check his heart rate while she talks.] It's probably nothing to worry about, but it might be best if I keep you under observation.


cardinalist May 22 2011, 04:18:04 UTC
[He has to admit, he hesitates. Distrust flares in him and his guard goes up a notch. However, logistically speaking, he did need the help. As of now, he was pretty much defenseless]

........If it wouldn't be too much trouble. [But he is watching her carefully, almost scrutinizing.]


Should I set up a log? :) screwperseus May 22 2011, 04:30:25 UTC
No trouble at all. Do you have anything you need to attend to before we go there?


That would be chillliinnnnnn guurrlll yes. |D cardinalist May 22 2011, 04:41:48 UTC
Not that I can think of. I can barely see straight.......


*rides off into the sunset to do so* screwperseus May 22 2011, 04:51:29 UTC
[She moves parallel to him to help him walk.]

Careful. I didn't get your name, by the way.


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