TURN 001 ★ Projectile Vomiting Not Preferred

May 19, 2011 13:15

Characters: cardinalist and You ♥
Location: Plaza
Time: Morning
Style: Action/Prose (I will follow)
Status: As OPEN as (Insert preferred metaphor ( Read more... )

yukari takeba, ventus, kururugi suzaku, medusa, miroku, luka redgrave

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xlillackeykitty May 20 2011, 14:40:46 UTC
[ Uh oh. Salt water. This new dude wasn't looking too good. He's already mentally flipping through his mental traveler's guide if giving someone about to throw up water was a good idea.

While he makes up his mind, have a towel handed to you. ]

Hey. Everything ok there? You're... not looking so hot.


cardinalist May 20 2011, 14:52:30 UTC
[He tugs his wet bangs out of his eyes to see but takes the towel almost tentatively as if expecting it to explode.]

Not really [He winces] But I've fallen harder than that before so I'm sure it's just a minor...concussion. [He pinches the bridge of his nose, feeling dizzy still]

Thank you for the towel....[He arches an eyebrow delicately, waiting for a name]


xlillackeykitty May 20 2011, 15:17:20 UTC
It's Luka. And you are...?

[ still scrutinizing the dude, trying to make head or tail of him. Seemed pretty normal. ]

I don't suppose you probably know where you are.


cardinalist May 20 2011, 15:24:21 UTC
Luka. Thank you. You can call me Suzaku.

[A little weirded out by the guy staring and he frowns a little. He's been quite a long time used to the treatment due to him as a Lord of the empire but he quells it best he can. He knows for sure he's not in Britannia or Area 11 anymore at least.]

Underwater is my best guess. Are you a resident...here?


xlillackeykitty May 20 2011, 15:28:56 UTC
[ Observant kid. Got to hand it to him for not having the usual panic attack when they realized where they were. This one was different. More level headed. ]

More of like a forced resident. Welcome to Vatheon, your underwater prison home for an indefinite amount of time.

You get in... and it's up to the wheel of fate to decide if you ever get out again.


cardinalist May 20 2011, 15:33:32 UTC
[Relaxes a little. Amused by Luka's words]

How poetic.

[Pause] So you mean people have gotten out?


xlillackeykitty May 21 2011, 12:56:58 UTC
Just telling the truth as it is.

[ Finally. Someone who appreciates his linguistic capabilities. ]

The city's random at the most when it comes to who gets in and out. You may be here one day... and gone without even as much as a goodbye.

[ He seems... a little nostalgic at those words, a mixture of pain and thoughtfulness as he tells Suzaku this as if this was a warning more than a statement. ]


cardinalist May 21 2011, 13:51:33 UTC
[He listens politely and deduces that there isn't much about this man that seems outwardly threatening or deceptive. His way with words is quite comforting.]

This place is started to sound a bit intimidating. [He half-jokes. But he knows what he is bound to do - execute as many means possible to try and decipher this strange world. He looks to Luka; he could be a good asset. Suzaku mulls briefly over how to ask him for his aid without sounding too bold.]


xlillackeykitty May 23 2011, 09:24:58 UTC
Sometimes. You get your fair share of oddities in this city. Personal vendettas, scores to settle... hell, even the city throws a few wild pitches our way.

Swapping bodies, dinosaurs all of a sudden, the city itself changing sha--

[ But a pause. Didn't wanna scare the newbie off so early in his arrival. ]

You look like you've got something on your mind.


cardinalist May 24 2011, 21:27:46 UTC
[He does indeed look a little freaked out.]

Well...I'd really like to try and figure out what's going on. I was wondering if I could....maybe illicit your help?

[Two heads are better than one. Not to mention, he seemed reliable enough. At least for the time being]


xlillackeykitty May 25 2011, 08:53:24 UTC
[ Read his mind. Read. His freaking mind. ]

If there's anyone trying to get information about this town... well, let's just say you're looking right at him.

Gonna need all the help I can get. Call it... journalistic instinct.


cardinalist May 26 2011, 21:09:05 UTC
[Perks up]

Yes, please! I'd love to help. Perhaps we should meet up sometime when I'm more...dressed for the occasion. [Peers down at his damp clothing] I'd like to know what you know so far...then we can build off of that. [He looks quite determined. Suzaku has had his fair share of information gathering regarding strange phenomena. He's confident this won't be much different]


xlillackeykitty May 27 2011, 11:57:14 UTC
[ And a laugh. ]

Yeah. You'd better get out of those clothes before you catch pneumonia. So far, everything apart from the stores in Nostalgia Nook is free so you can get a change of clothes no problem.

Whenever you feel like talking it over, there's a bar I hang around in during the evenings called the Gates of Hell. Pop in anytime.


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