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superior_mansex May 16 2011, 00:21:03 UTC
Within the veil of dust and wind due to the barrage of attacks, Xemnas did little more at first than breath.

It was not an onslaught that he was expecting. He had no time to dodge as skillfully as he did before. Had he been taking the battle seriously, it would have been a simple maneuver. That was his mistake. He was not taking this seriously and due to that, the Replication thought that he has an upper-hand. The least he could do is mentally note that it was strong both in body and in will. If only things didn't go the way they did... ht would have been very useful to the team.

Yet, Xemnas himself was unharmed. Even though he was tossed around and every hit connected, it was only kneeling with the dust started to settle and his appearance could be seen. With a sigh, he got up on his feet once more, reaching down to brush off his coat. Rep was strong, not strong enough to matter, but he has something that was worthy of merit. Oh would you look at that? There was some hair out of place as well. A simple reach upward to compose himself and make sure he was not unsightly, his eyes closing as he started to choose his words carefully.

"In that case I will educate you," his hands came down to his chest, curling slightly. "You were created for the purpose of gathering the hearts the Heartless carelessly hold within them--" hands clenching closed -- "For they are the hearts of men and a power they hold and yet never use. For our shared mission of attaining the power of revolution, you were made--" Motioning out to Rep and then towards the sky with both arms instead -- "No, it was more than just revolution or recovering a single heart to become whole. It was for the desire to evolve farther and stronger than those that oppress and look down at us because we are not like themselves," Hands coming back down, one hand to his chest again and the other poised just a bit lower.

"For us who teeter of that edge, for us who cannot walk in the light but are shunned by the dark. For those of us who only know that a heart is filled with rage, hate and envy... for those of us with no other choice than to continue a dark road until we can finally be free to understand the powers of a heart in it's wondrous entirety, you were made to be our ally." Now he dropped his hands entirely, giving something of a grin?

"You are strong. I almost felt that attack. With more training you could have been notable."

Look at that, he was even fine enough to give a speech with gesticulation!


1/2 boundbynaught May 16 2011, 03:17:15 UTC
For a long moment, Rep was too stunned and frustrated to even consider a counterattack. ['Even Riku and Sora flinched at that attack! And if they didn't dodge, it hurt at least! Who...'] He took a step back. ['Who is this Xemnas guy anyway???'] And then he kept talking... as if they were all the same!


2/2 boundbynaught May 16 2011, 03:42:14 UTC
"Why would I ever help you?! When you made me believe I was someone else, twisted my memories, pit me against my f-" He hated slips like that. "Someone like Sora! And to use Naminé for all of that..." He clenched his fist as swirls of energy coalesced there. "To understand a heart that's not mine fueling power I had to steal? I'll use all of it right now..." The energy started to spread throughout his body. "All of me that's borrowed to make you experience even a fraction of what I feel -"



He threw his left hand out in front of him in a remarkable resemblance of Zexion, clutching it back towards him. Dark tendrils coiled around his hand while vibrant purple energy coiled at his feet. To a casual onlooker, it'd look like nothing was going on except perhaps a preparatory maneuver - and in a way they'd be right. Rep was using his practiced Magnet Snatch on Xemnas now, though it didn't drain hardly anything at first. He'd need more time to continue draining his opponent's powers. All Rep could remember from absorbing Zexion was that there was something else, some other abilities locked to him now, that depended upon the use of this first skill. Rep hadn't been able to successfully puff off more than one on a single person without them noticing - so now it was truly a trial by fire.


superior_mansex May 16 2011, 21:20:28 UTC
"I did my best to reason with you. Now I can only hope you find enlightenment in defeat."

He watched Rep begin his attack and with the way it looked, it was not his own. It was rather obvious that he was not use to watching it and had not fully perfected it's use. In fact with only seconds more investigation, that was Zexion's attack. He had to wonder if this meant that Number XI aided him or if his end in that Forsaken castle had something to do with him. Regardless it was a useless fact in the past and the fake before him was trying to replicate an Organization attack.

How stupid of him.

Deciding to go in the offensive due to Rep's own comment, he turned his palms down towards the floor, flexing his fingers as the tendrils of power and nothing started to form and crackle fiercely. The first move was a slide backwards, throwing his hands forward in fround of him, a glowing overcoming them more and more. Once again, it was almost as if Xemnas vanished, just a little static and then his silhouette vanishing from it's place as he dashed forward with untold speed, all the while forming his Ethereal Blades and grasping them firmly.

Appearing again very close to Rep's body, he drew the crackling blades up and started a flurry of attacks. The blade themselves were blunt, but the crackling, searing power seemed to more than make up for the bite of a true blade. His body twisted, turned and twirled in a great and rather impressive display of agility and skill. With each movement, he slashed a blade towards the body of the other, fluidly following every hit with another and then another while he continued to dance around him as if gravity itself meant nothing. The last strike in the flurry was an upward slash, coming and scraping from the ground in a circle and then moving upward across the others' body.

After the finisher, he moved backwards, holding his blades out to either side of him, ready to go again if he truly must. Standing there, he made no movements or no attempts to attack once more just yet. It would be much better to see how he stood up to such an easy (easy for him anyway) onslaught.

"Have you come to realize your powerlessness as of yet? I have no desire to end your life."


boundbynaught May 17 2011, 00:53:48 UTC
Two connected, then he managed to hold up a hand again, trying to use the power again, but the bombardment of attacks continued. Rep just couldn't react fast enough, until Xemnas backed off again. Stunned, Rep could only breathe for a moment.

"Too bad." He held out his hand again, stealing away another tendril of energy from Xemnas. "Because I'd really like to end yours." ['Before I disappear again. This much I can handle. Focus on it. Maybe it's what I was created for, but this... this much I can manage before...']

Rep's thought bubble was now being clouded by words shared between people in Vatheon and pictures of the people themselves: Ventus, Kanji, N, Kairi, Naminé, Lea, a boy (Ritsuka) whom Rep still don't know a name for, and lastly Ryoji. They all wanted to help him, but they also made him think and feel things that were completely alien to him. It was frustrating, exhausting, and it'd been consuming him ever since his last conversation with Ryoji.

He wanted this, even if Xemnas didn't; he'd either come out victorious - and hopefully more satisfied - or he'd die trying. It spoke to Rep's mental state that he was equally fine with both options.

Rep shook all of it away before Corridor-stepping away again, a little farther out from the battlefield. He used Magnet Snatch once more, and that initiated a new sequence in his mind, mirrored in his thought bubble: "You should share your powers." It reverberated a little, as Rep's voice layered on top of Zexion's. Where Rep stood, thin lines of red energy swirled around him. Just beyond his boots, a wide mass of darkness spread out on the ground in a circle, covering the entire thoroughfare. At the center, a dark purple vortex surged upward, drawing Xemnas in.

The replica couldn't move, but he could think - stealing low-level attacks like this, it should trigger something else. There was more to Zexion's energy stores than this. He was able to sustain the Cyclone Snatch for 8 seconds, and then it vanished. Rep too vanished, as he Corridor stepped again to atop the building where he'd been hiding. ['That's nine quantities...'] His form started to flicker at the edges, though he paid it no mind. His sense of smell was getting better though - he and Xemnas were both experts at teleporting around a battlefield to their advantage. Rep followed the trail for a few Corridor steps, neither of them able to hit the other, before he finally appeared behind Xemnas.

"Looks like I have enough..." As Rep reached out for Xemnas, he thought it looked like the other man shrunk ever so slightly. Perhaps, it was all the swirling energies, but the gloves on his hands looked no brighter than black leather as he reached out to bear-hug Xemnas from behind. "Your end is near," he boasted. Bangs were getting in his way, but he just paid them no mind; that close, you can see through the thin strands, and he needed to finish the attack.

He glowed red and black, all of it arching up in a spherical shape around him, as he drained Xemnas of some of his health and replenished his own body with the same amount. While the combination of attacks left him in a great position for utilizing more power, to give Xemnas a run for his money, at this very moment he was right next to Xemnas. That left him extremely vulnerable to a counter-attack, and he still had no idea what had just happened to him, though it was probably clear as day to Xemnas.

[[OOC: Relevant threads for this CR can be found on Rep's Timeline]]


superior_mansex May 20 2011, 00:17:39 UTC
How foolish of himself. He gave the replication a moment of thought and suddenly he was drawing Xemnas into a proverbial corner. Not only was he prevented from moving or attacking, but Rep was able to follow it up with a health-draining attack? This was at least much better than all of Rep's efforts before that very moment. With Rep standing next to him, Xemnas' golden eyes slipped over to gaze at him, stare at him. There was no hate, no rage, no envy, distaste or even fear.

No, that was a momentary look of pure pity.

It didn't last, however. In a moment, he was gone. He may have had energy taken from him and it was quite true that it might have actually winded him a little, but that hardly meant anything in the long run. The fact there was an attack that might have done its assigned damage only means that the fight had just begun, and also that Xemnas was going to consider it 'started'. In his place, four glowing orbs of white-ish, reddish, orange-ish light just shown brightly in a nice and neat little column. To the average person they look quite harmless, but that person would be sadly, and possibly fatally, mistaken. These balls of lights were the early stages of his laser attacks and it was already far too late for no matter where Rep moved, they would be shooting after him one after another. Good thing they are single-use orb's, right? It would only take the better of five seconds before they started firing as well, so at least they are also prompt!

Except for the fact that if one looked up to see Xemnas standing ten feet away, facing the other with his arms spread out wide, Xemnas had at least five more at the ready.

"If that is the way you wish to play it, I am prepared to not only start fighting, but to kill you in effort to help you... see the light."


boundbynaught May 20 2011, 03:58:12 UTC
Rep's reaction time wasn't good enough to combat Xemnas's counter-attack; it took long enough just to find his darkness signature again. By the time Rep turned his head to face his opponent, one of the lasers had already impacted him and made him flinch a little. So much for that drained health to replenish him. He really should've tried practicing that more, and on top of that he was feeling a little weaker himself.

He should've paid more attention when Ventus explained about why touching the coral was important.

He dodged the second one, but got hit on the third. He was slowing down as the laser impacts stung his skin. His bodysuit protected him from any actual burning, but the sheer force behind each of those lasers hurt like a beast. So the fourth one got him in the back and sent him into a roll forward. He crouched there, fists clenched and gasping - waiting for the rest of the attacks to hit.

Turned away from Xemnas and still with Zexion's face, Rep actually smiled in relief. [ 'Finally.' ]


limitless_land May 20 2011, 04:14:53 UTC
Ventus' explanation wasn't the only thing that the fake should have paid more attention to. Then again, someone had remained hidden nearby as well, sensing the energy clash from a distance. Hood up, it would have been difficult to decipher who it was that just warped between the attacks and the replication. Difficult, until he stood with his arms outstretched to his sides and shouted, "Guard!"

A shield of hexagonal dark magic pulsed into existence as the real thing held out his hands in front of him, palms out. His expression beneath the hood said it all; he greatly disapproved of this, though he truly had no say in Rep's actions. "You know, I never took you to be such an idiot, Caden." ...Lies; he kind of had.


boundbynaught May 20 2011, 04:22:07 UTC
Rep's head snapped up and he turned over his shoulder. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" He stood immediately. "This is my fight! I get to decide what-"

It started to dawn on him that the noticeable 'swish' of his psuedo-skirt had been replaced with the heavier sound of a thicker material slapping his legs.

"What happens..." He held out both hands, trying to figure out why he was suddenly wearing a wide-sleeved leather cloak like Riku's and Xemnas's and the rest of the organization members'.


limitless_land May 20 2011, 04:32:21 UTC
"You're out of your mind." That was literally all he had to say on that. And... not like he could see what Rep was turning into, but he could hear the heavier sound of a leather coat - he knew it well, and that made him slightly concerned. ...Was he using the power he 'borrowed' too greatly? Then that would mean-

Riku took a peek after the ethereal blades struck his temporary shield one by one, eyes widening at the sight. Zexion... Of course. And should he choose to use another's power too much, would he end up the same way? Yes. ['Guess "the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree" is an accurate statement...] Still, he had no interest in attacking Xemnas - he knew full well what that could mean. Instead he focused on defending. After all, he was the less aggressive of the two. "Then decide it: live for your friends or die here."

His gaze fell on Xemnas as Soul Eater appeared in his hand. ...He was in for it too now, wasn't he.


superior_mansex May 20 2011, 06:53:58 UTC
He needed only that second. Speed itself was not his strong suit, but the fact that he could was what was truly important. The fact that he could and did was all that mattered. He was finished with this battle. He was ending it. Nothing else would done after this next attack of his and he was going to make sure of it. Time was given to both the replica and Riku to stop this pointless fight and now it was his turn, and he was choosing to end it with violence.

At least four dozen lasers sounded violent enough to him.

His role in all of this? To stand there and took quite both fed up and bored. It wasn't even interesting. It was just time-consuming and had destroyed his walk. He was done and he was going home. While he would have rather not dragged "his pupil" into the matter, what was done was done. He could do or say nothing else on the subject.

The lasers were set, glowing and firing. The reached all sorts of heights and ranges, but one thing was the same between them all:

They were all aimed at the two.

"Perish. You've had your time to fall back."


boundbynaught May 20 2011, 19:25:29 UTC
Rep was the one facing Xemnas at this point, bangs and different body be damned. He could've simply Corridor Stepped out of the way, or jumped, or counterattacked - but he didn't. "You're in the way," he hissed, and prepped a Dark Firaga in his left hand. He held it up as the lasers approached, and then...

Sent it hurtling into Riku's side.

Of course the spell didn't hit Riku - his battle instincts were too honed by this point - and he simply jump-dodged off to Rep's right and out of the way. In doing so, however, he also got away from the impact point of the lasers.

Rep kept his arm extended, the last bits of darkness billowing away as a smirk crept onto his face.

Then the lasers hit, one after another, making Rep's body twitch in mid-air from the pain. All he tried to do was dodge up or down, not side to side, and even then by halfway through the onslaught, he was out of steam and dazed. He fell to one knee on the ground, and then the last laser hit, knocking him over on his side. Like stained glass fragments falling out of a window, Zexion's form gave way to Rep's again trailing darkness strands and data streaks all the while. His blade was nowhere to be found, and he wasn't moving at all. Then Rep's own form started to dissolve as well, in a way all too familiar to Riku.


limitless_land May 20 2011, 21:03:38 UTC
So much for preventing another suicide-by-proxy attempt...

"No!" Riku swore under his breath, unable to look away. Fake was an idiot; there was no longer any doubt about that.To think he and who knows how many others were willing to give the ball of data and emo mode a chance to live again, then he went ahead and pulled this stunt. It was ridiculous, and something he wanted to punch Rep in the face for.

...But the lasers were doing the job for him, and now it was just a horrid reminder of what Sora would be up against once he woke up in the outside world. No. No way-

To hell with his instincts to get the hell out of dodge, soon as the second to last laser struck, he was rushing back over to Rep's side. Suicidal piece of- Riku shook the thought from his mind, letting the blindfold slip to across his neck as he knelt down next to his fake. "You idiot..."

He doesn't care if his own form begins to flicker to that of a taller man he despises with all of his being or not; all he does care about is giving the idiot hell for however long his data and darkness take to fade. For all the stupidity he'd committed in the last twenty-six days, and all the hurt his death (again) was going to cause for those who actually gave a damn.


superior_mansex May 20 2011, 21:31:19 UTC
Xemnas could feel that darkness within Riku swelling, but he chose not to comment on it. Instead, he placed a hand to his chest, checking his own well being. It was a mistake to be so anxious. So many blades at ones was not smart, but it did it's job and didn't place him in any danger. No, it would be better to say he was not put in danger, but it was not something to mimic again so soon. How odd to feel that there truly is a limit to the power of nothing.

Yet he did not leave. It was a thought that crossed his mind, but he did not flee. He just looked upon the scene and then looked away. He knew that Riku wouldn't fight him like the replication did. The least he could do was credit that Riku was far smarter than the other. However, he was not going to tempt it.


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