yerawizarderri and
witch_of_lifeLocation: The pond Fef has been glubbing about
Time: Evening
Style: Action
Status: Closed
[After so many times of hearing the same thing from Feferi, it was about time Eridan had left his hive to see this pond. He had no intentions of actually swimming, but being by a body of water, however small it was compared to the actual ocean, might make him feel better. However slight it might be.]
[Sure they were under the sea, but it wasn't the same really. As much as he liked to yell and shout that it was HIS TERRITORY and the like, it wasn't the same. He had never been particular fond of being in water, but this also wasn't Alternia's oceans. Or, at least, he was pretty sure of it.]
[Alternia was destroyed after all.]
[Regardless, he finds himself at the pond, just staring into the depths. He had left when it was later out to avoid people since his pesky bubble was still tailing him like some obnoxious leech that wouldn't leave him be after all. The less people who heard his thoughts, the better.]
[He wasn't sure why Fef thought this would help him at all, why she thought some stupid water would make him feel any better. She should know better by now that he wasn't about to go swimming, so what was the point?]
Such a fuckin' waste a time...