008 ♔

May 11, 2011 21:16

Characters: N and anyone.
Location: Cafe, Plaza.
Time: Just after noon.
Style: Anything goes!
Status: OPEN like N's thoughts.
Notes: B/W spoilers likely to be everywhere.

[ If one was to pass the cafe, or perhaps head that direction for a bite of lunch or a cool drink, they would probably notice that one of the outside tables is covered in books. There is all range: physics textbooks to cookbooks, military manuals to a rather large stack of novels. It as if someone had run through the library with wild abandon, checking out anything that mildly interested them.

Which is rather what happened. However, that must have been some time ago, because the boy who did such a thing is all but face-first in the pages of a book, his arm tucked around his head. The cup of coffee next to him obviously did not help, though that is likely because it is still mostly full, the liquid cold. N has been working himself too hard, trying to keep up with a million different new things and a ton of new hobbies, and it has finally caught up with him.

His thought bubble, however, is not nearly as prone as its owner. Images are playing through it, though the edges are faded, and the picture itself is the soft focus of a dream. There's N in the bubble, looking much like he normally does aside from the fact that there is crown placed solidly on his head. Every once in a while he reaches up to try and take it off, but it never budges.

He's in a room that looks like a child's toy room, toys scattered around on the carpet. N is uninterested in them however, sitting on the floor in front of the door, a pile of keys next to him. He's trying them in a lock in the door, one after another, though they all seem too big or small, like he's Goldilocks looking for a bed.

A chocobo chick wanders into the screen, going to stand next to N, seeming interested in his task. When it speaks, the text in the bubble is in a frilly, feminine font. "My Lord N, it's really not safe out there. You should go play instead. Let's go play!"

You can wait and watch what happens, or wake the poor boy up and make him go sleep in a proper bed. ]

!curse: nineteen, tasuki, america (alfred f. jones), minato arisato, red (pokemon), n (pokemon)

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