Matthew // 019

May 08, 2011 12:05

Characters: sweeperesque and redcloakedthief and nobody is surprised
Location: Saya's apartment...?
Time: This morning
Style: Fiiiirst for laziness and salad spam
Status: Closed~

[He had noticed the thought bubble following him immediately. It was a dratted inconvenience, but while he wanted to hide away and never come out until the week was over, what he next noticed shot that plan down immediately.

Shirayuki's name was gone.


And so he darts over rooftops and to Saya's apartment, a steady stream of "stupidstupidstupidworld" drifting through the bubble that keeps pace with him.

He focuses and manages to clear his mind somewhat before dropping into her apartment via window, so that all that shows up is a vague sense of a sigh.]


saya minatsuki, !curse: nineteen, matthew

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