Characters: Jadesprite, Davesprite, and EVERYONE EVER Location: the Plaza Time: evening, May 4 Style: Action or Prose, either works! Status: Open Open Open~
She catches the flask and stares at it incredulously. A gift from a stranger? She sniffles and looks up, not crying quite so much. Gifts are nice! People on Prospit gave her gifts, sometimes. She wipes her eyes. ]
[ Okay, she does feel a little bad. His poor head! And he was kind of friendly, he hadn't tried to hit her...still, she feels more comfortable hiding behind Davesprite. ]
She's being quiet now, dude. Calm the rude, you've got your booze.
[ Strider rule number one: minimum pity for those you don't know. He sort of knows Jadesprite so she doesn't count. And he doesn't mind her hiding behind him if that's what it takes. ]
Uh, alcohol. Beer. Dunno if they had any on hell murder island or Prospit though. Stuff makes you feel funny and do dumb shit.
[ Davesprite shrugs. He's still not sure on everything, but yeah, he knows. ]
So have you, right? Like this isn't some weird shit where everyone talks about how the two heroes of the film are kidnapped? Lots of people are. Kinda like a fact of life, I guess, based on how casually that answer is handed out...
[There's this guy walking through the plaza, when he sees the crying dog girl thing and just kind of.
throws his drink at her. Have a flask of rum being thrown straight at your Jadesprite.]
You're stuck underwater now so deal with it ya lousy mutt!
She catches the flask and stares at it incredulously. A gift from a stranger? She sniffles and looks up, not crying quite so much. Gifts are nice! People on Prospit gave her gifts, sometimes. She wipes her eyes. ]
Um.......but what is it?
'Ey, don't take it now!
S-sorry.........I thought it was a gift.....
Probably best you didn't drink that shit. Who knows how booze works on sprites?
And hey, douche, she's not a mutt.
[Running a hand through his hair and gosh he wants his rum back.]
[ Okay, she does feel a little bad. His poor head! And he was kind of friendly, he hadn't tried to hit her...still, she feels more comfortable hiding behind Davesprite. ]
Um......what's booze?
[ Strider rule number one: minimum pity for those you don't know. He sort of knows Jadesprite so she doesn't count. And he doesn't mind her hiding behind him if that's what it takes. ]
Uh, alcohol. Beer. Dunno if they had any on hell murder island or Prospit though. Stuff makes you feel funny and do dumb shit.
He does.
Yaaayyy. So he's just going to continue sitting on the coral and stare blankly at them.]
Oh. Sorry but you've been kidnapped.
But...where are we? This doesn't look like home or where Jade was.......
So have you, right? Like this isn't some weird shit where everyone talks about how the two heroes of the film are kidnapped? Lots of people are. Kinda like a fact of life, I guess, based on how casually that answer is handed out...
So what are you?
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