♓ - Glub glub glub

Apr 26, 2011 19:58

Characters: Feferi and Anyone!
Location: Park, specifically the small lake
Time: Late Afternoon
Style: I'll follow you~
Status: Very glubbing open

[Time for a dip. She did think so. Feferi hadn't nearly been swimming as much as she should and her little endeavor with that boy N had been flounderful, so it was off to the park again for her, though she found herself there most of the time anyways, just not always to swim. This fishy roll usually had a lot on her mind lately, but, she had been getting very good at keeping her thoughts submerged and not dwelling on them too much. Things have been looking a lot brighter lately and why ruin a nice thing?]

[It doesn't take her too long to make her way to the pond in the park, it's easy to find bodies of water for her, even if she already was technically in one just being in Vatheon. The pond looked..serene, tranquil, like it's willing her to come join it and wash all her problems away.]

[It's a bit sad that there's never anyone here already swimming around, I mean, who wouldn't want to? Obviously people didn't understand just how important it was to get some good exercise in, especially in the best way prawnsible! Feferi smiled wide to herself as she dived into the water, staying underneath for a very long time before she popped her head up again and soon laid on her back ontop of the calm surface.]

[Anyone for a swim?]

feferi peixes, mouri shin

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