
Apr 23, 2011 15:31

Characters: 3dvii2iion and oglogoth
Location: Grubmart
Time: Around 6 pm on April 22nd
Style: Either is fine!
Status: CLOSED

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sollux captor, rose lalonde

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oglogoth April 24 2011, 08:09:15 UTC
[[A text from Sollux? What a surprise. A pleasant one, at least, but one none the less. While typing a reply, she slips her shoes on and heads out the door.]]

Am I allowed to inquire as to what that may be before hand?
Or is this a secret?
Should I be filtering this text?


3dvi2iion April 24 2011, 08:17:20 UTC
it's n0thing special really. y0u'll see when y0u get here.


oglogoth April 24 2011, 08:34:06 UTC
If you say so.

[[It isn't terribly long before she gets there, hands in pockets and glancing around. Yet another case of "who the hell am I even looking for?" Lalonde, you really need to ask these things before you agree to meet people. Honestly, where is your common sense going? She's considering pulling her SFC back out to ask.]]


3dvi2iion April 24 2011, 08:40:46 UTC
[He doesn't notice the other himself. He just leans against the wall of Grubmart on the outside. Maybe he should have told her what to look for...]


oglogoth April 24 2011, 08:47:46 UTC
[[Probably. But that's alright, because she's just. Going to ask. Leaning against the opposite wall of the Grubmart.]]

This is ridiculous, and I cannot believe I didn't think to ascertain such information prior to leaving.
But who exactly am I looking for?
I only know your name, after all.
That and you will likely have grey skin and a pair of horns.

[[Feeling just a little stupid right now.]]


3dvi2iion April 24 2011, 08:57:56 UTC
0h. yeah i sh0uld have t0ld y0u. y0u're l00king f0r s0me0ne with grey skin, f0ur h0rns, and black eyes. als0 a yell0w gemini symb0l 0n his shirt.


oglogoth April 25 2011, 02:18:09 UTC
[[Four horns and black eyes? That shouldn't be too hard. Neither should the obvious symbol on his shirt. Pushing away from the wall, she wanders around a bit before finally spotting him. Approaching him with a smile!]]

Hello Sollux. It's a pleasure to finally find you.


3dvi2iion April 25 2011, 02:21:35 UTC
[He blinks for a minute before standing up straight and nodding.]

I'm going to assume this is Rose. Hey.


oglogoth April 25 2011, 05:05:31 UTC
It is indeed. This is a much more preferable form of chatter this time around. Hopefully nobody will intrude upon our conversation now.


3dvi2iion April 25 2011, 07:36:39 UTC
Yeah. I'm pretty sure neither of those dumbfucks will be around the Grubmart for a while. They really have no reason to.

[He takes out a pair of shades, one lens being red and the other blue.]

Anyway, these are kind of special shades. You can see two universes in them, mine and yours -- I wouldn't advise looking through them. I bet we could make something pretty cool if we alchemized them with wands.


oglogoth April 25 2011, 08:04:27 UTC
[[Too bad you can't see this face. This is the face of her being tempted to look through time. She tentatively takes them and examines them though, if he'll allow her to.]]

I...wouldn't even begin to know what that would create.

[[Yeah. Okay. She might not be wearing them, but she is lifting them up to the sky to glance at the lenses at least...]]


3dvi2iion April 25 2011, 08:06:38 UTC
[He let's her take them.]

Who knows. We won't find out till we try it.


oglogoth April 25 2011, 08:08:18 UTC
Oh, and I fully intend to. This is most definitely a chance I will not be passing up.

[[Offering them back to him, she smiles.]]

Shall we then?


3dvi2iion April 25 2011, 08:09:50 UTC
Ladies first.

[He takes them back and gestures towards the door area.]


oglogoth April 25 2011, 19:47:28 UTC
[[Taking the invite, she heads inside, glancing around the store as she waits for him to follow. She was always in the market for a few new cards for her sylladex, and loved browsing the various modi to see if she might happen upon a more elegant and slightly less aggravating one to use. Though speaking of cards, they were going to need one for his glasses, so she'll busy herself purchasing that.]]


3dvi2iion April 25 2011, 19:53:21 UTC
[He stays quiet and follows her using his cane to move around. Although, he's probably walking in the same direction but not really close to her.]


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