first match

Apr 22, 2011 22:03

Characters: eclecticals and vatheon!
Location: In the plaza!
Time: Early afternoon.
Style: Action!
Status: Open!

[Today is another fine day in the city of Vatheon, and a girl with black hair, who is pretty obviously a new arrival judging by how confused she seems to be (as well as the fact that she's still a bit soaked), is wandering the plaza! Some people may ( Read more... )

soul evans, jade harley, rose lalonde, john egbert

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oglogoth April 23 2011, 03:16:55 UTC
[[Well this you that she happens to have bothered just happens to be a good friend of hers, though you may not have noticed from the back seeing as she's dressed nicely for her job, and carrying a box! But at the familiar voice, the task is easily forgotten as she stops mid walk outside the hobby shop, turning her head to look at the girl.]]



eclecticals April 23 2011, 03:38:15 UTC
[She indeed did not notice from the back! Oh my gosh, Rooooooose!]

Rose! Hi! I was not really expecting to find anyone I knew here!


oglogoth April 23 2011, 03:40:58 UTC
[[Setting that box down for now.]]

That's how it was for me when I first arrived. I'm glad to see you've returned, however. You're unharmed, I hope?


eclecticals April 23 2011, 03:45:43 UTC
I'm fine... But what do you mean by "returned"? Was I here before? Because if I was I definitely don't remember...


oglogoth April 23 2011, 03:51:37 UTC
You were, yes. I'm not sure for how long, as I had arrived after you, but for a time.

[[Sliiight frown.]]

It's best you don't remember, then. In short, this is Vatheon, we are very much stuck here, there is no discernible reason as to why or how to get out, and you are coming home to live with John and I.


eclecticals April 23 2011, 04:16:42 UTC
[Jade's a little bit concerned by that frown, Rose. But she's not gonna ask... at least not right now. She looks a little taken aback at most of the questions she would have had being answered so quickly! She takes a moment to take in the answers and her expression brightens when she thinks about that last part!]

Okay! That sounds like fun!


oglogoth April 23 2011, 04:23:02 UTC
For the most part, you'll likely enjoy it here. Aside from, of course, the random occurrences in which Vatheon enjoys threatening our well-beings and lives, and some of the more...unsavory inhabitants.


eclecticals April 23 2011, 04:40:43 UTC
That happens sometimes? Suddenly this place does not sound quite as fun! And I guess you and John will just have to tell me who it's best to avoid!

Have you seen anyone else from our world around?


oglogoth April 23 2011, 04:42:18 UTC
Yes, sometimes. It is fairly pleasant otherwise. And I assure you, we will.

The trolls, from our universe, being a handful of them.


eclecticals April 23 2011, 05:19:28 UTC
That's good! Thankfully it doesn't sound like it happens all that often... It would be horrible if something like that happened every week or something! And thanks!

Oh, they're here too?


oglogoth April 23 2011, 05:23:51 UTC
Of course. And yes, they are. Most unfortunately.

[[Yes, she definitely doesn't seem to happy with that.]]

Thankfully, we also do not have to deal with them often as well.


eclecticals April 23 2011, 05:27:33 UTC
Well, not all of the trolls are that bad... But yeah, it's nice that we don't have to deal with them if we don't want to!


oglogoth April 23 2011, 05:29:04 UTC
...I suppose. Sollux doesn't seem terrible. Neither does Gamzee. Sadly I cannot say the same for Vantas or Vainglorious Carp. [[Snort.]]


eclecticals April 23 2011, 05:44:22 UTC
I don't think I've ever talked to either of them! Feferi and Kanaya were nice, though... Do you know if either of them are here? And Karkat can be a real jerk, but he's not all bad...

... Which one is "Vainglorious Carp"?


oglogoth April 23 2011, 05:49:02 UTC
Oh, sorry. Eridan. His name is Eridan.

I'm not certain if either of them are here either. Aradia is as well, and she is also quite pleasant. Aside from them, however, I do not know the identity of any other troll who might be here. I'm fairly certain I spoke with another, but never caught their name.

And jerk is an understatement, Jade.


eclecticals April 23 2011, 22:29:34 UTC
... ohhhhhhh, him. [See the face in this icon, Rose? Yeaaaaaah.]

Maybe they'll show up eventually! If they're not already here somewhere. And I don't think I've talked to her, either! Maybe I should sometime. [... too bad she can't. 8(]

It probably is! But he has actually helped me out a few times, so personally I can't be too mad at him...


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