Fire never dies out.

Apr 18, 2011 12:15

Characters: Tasuki & Anyone who stops by
Location: Plaza (Near the coral)
Time: Afternoon
Style: Either
Status: Open~!

[Happy Birthday! He's not dead anymore. After several days had passed the bandit returned to his normal self when reappearing. Unlike the first time when he originally awoke, he was still asleep, and sleeping rather heavily. It ( Read more... )

amaterasu, locke cole, tasuki

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kings_thief April 18 2011, 19:29:44 UTC
[Locke had been walking through the plaza, eyes glued to the ground, deep in thought. He didn't even notice his friend in front of him until he had run into the other man's back.]

Oh! I'm sor-

[He looks up and a mixture of surprise and relief cross his face.]

Gen! You really are alive again!


suzakubandit April 18 2011, 19:37:47 UTC
[The bandit blinked and turned around to glance at the other. It was Locke. He did recall losing consciousness but nothing after that, and he was wet again when he woke up, although more dry by this point.]

Of course. We can't stay dead here. [He didn't fully believe it at first, but well now he could. The serious injuries he received were gone completely.]


kings_thief April 18 2011, 19:45:00 UTC
[Locke's happiness at having found his friend alive quickly dissipated and anger flooded in it's place. Without hesitation he pulled his arm back and swung forward, punching Tasuki clean in the face.]

You idiot! Don' act like i's not a big deal! You died, get it? Do ya know how worried I was that you were'n gonna come back!? Dumbass!


suzakubandit April 18 2011, 19:51:39 UTC
[He rubbed the spot punch. Geez. What the hell? Although he couldn't necessarily be mad at Locke. Tasuki didn't even know he cared that much, it's not like they've known each other for long. He was a bit baffled, touched, but unable to comprehend it.]

I didn't mean ta worry ya, Locke.


kings_thief April 18 2011, 20:04:58 UTC
[Locke glared at him, hands fisting in Tasuki's shirt.]

Yeah, well ya're my friend, Gen; s'not like I want to see you hurt.

[One of his hands came free and curled into a fist but all it did was punch the bandit's shoulder lightly.]

Ya can' go bein so damn reckless all th' time.


suzakubandit April 18 2011, 20:11:59 UTC
[What does he even say to that? Tasuki knows what it's like. He's dealt with this twice before, but the only difference was, his fellow warriors didn't come back.]

I had no I idea it would kill me. [Really he too would have avoided it happening altogether if he could.]

I'm back now. Ya don't gotta worry anymore.


kings_thief April 18 2011, 20:18:40 UTC
[Locke released him and stepped back, turning away, although, not fully.]

Yeah, guess I don't...till you do somethin' else reckless.

[He finally smiled a little.]

Trust me, I know people like you, it'll happen. Maybe next time you won't take on a dinosaur without me, ok?


suzakubandit April 18 2011, 20:23:05 UTC
Feh. I ain't takin' another giant lizard. [Harmless. Yeah right.]

S'at all ya gotta tell me?


kings_thief April 18 2011, 20:36:36 UTC
[His tone turned acidic, although he'd calmed down.]

Other then 'take care of yourself' and 'I hope you realize you mean more to me than you think you do', yes, that's all I'd been waitin' to say.


suzakubandit April 18 2011, 20:58:20 UTC
[He, pal. He said he was sorry and he meant it. What's with this sudden bitch mode?]

Ya don't say.

[Guess who went into snark mode? This bandit right here. He settled onto something, Tasuki was going to stay right here. He had no intention of returning home, and he certainly wasn't going to go to the park or forest so this was the next best place. He was going to sit here and silently pout.]


kings_thief April 18 2011, 22:31:42 UTC
[Ignore his bitching, he's been living on an emotional roller coaster and he doesn't like it. He sighed.]

...I'm sorry... I can't seem to say what I'm trying to say.

[He paused for a moment, trying to think, before he came to a decision. Quickly, so he couldn't back down and Gen wouldn't get a chance to know it was coming, Locke wrapped his arms around the taller man and pulled him into a hug, hiding his face from sight.]

I'm glad you're all right.


suzakubandit April 18 2011, 22:39:54 UTC
[This off-put him a little. While part of him expected something like this, most of him didn't expect anything of the sort. Tasuke merely froze for a few moments before he hesitantly attempted to console the other by lightly placing his hands on him. He was still registering the action.]

...Are ya...gonna be okay, Locke? [He was fairly concerned.]


kings_thief April 18 2011, 22:58:43 UTC
[Locke laughed but pulled away, feeling like he'd at least gotten most of his point across.]

Me? I'm not the one who died.


suzakubandit April 19 2011, 05:25:45 UTC
Ya jerk.


kings_thief April 19 2011, 05:37:06 UTC
[He laughs again, trying to stifle it.]

Sorry. Gen, how about we go to your place and get you dried off? And maybe some food? I imagine you're exausted, I know I was.


1/2 suzakubandit April 19 2011, 06:24:35 UTC
I ain't goin' back ta that place-


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