♑ > We will still be there when the war is over.

Apr 18, 2011 11:24

Characters: faygot and kamen_luthier
Location: Bedroom
Time: Backdated to about a day after this log
Style: First
Status: Closed

[Gamzee rolls over with a soft sigh, blinking his eyes open sleepily. Surprisingly, there had been no nightmares, but he had been kind of exhausted after not sleeping for a month and taking down that scalebeast. And Rapunzel being there when he went to sleep had been really nice.

Scrubbing his hand over his face for a moment, he pushes up slightly, his make-up flaking and dry. He yawns once more, jaw-splitting wide, before he glances to the side, a quick smile on his face when he spots Wataru.]

Hey, bro. What's up?

kurenai wataru, gamzee makara

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