♙ Along the reaches of the street--

Mar 13, 2011 23:33

Characters: Break and Ryoji
Location: The alley where Vriska kicked the bucket I mean died
Time: Early evening
Style: Fiiiirst
Status: Closed
Note: Forward-dated a few days, to March 16th or so.

[Tap tap tap tap tap.

The tap tap of a cane on cobblestone, and the expression of amusement--sharp, nonchalant amusement--as the white-haired man steps forward, fearlessly into the sight that was a few days before a massacre. He is amused, however, simply amused.

Why would he be afraid? There is, after all, nothing at all to fear.

A tilt of his head; a chuckle.

And another presence in that thin, dark alley.]

Ah, my. How colorful this city now is.

xerxes break, ryoji mochizuki

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