ROSE ☄ 001

Mar 13, 2011 21:08

Characters: bringslife and vatheon
Location: the pirate ship
Time: evening
Style: either! I'll follow
Status: OPEN

[here's Rose, out on a happy little exploring adventure. she's a little wary of the carnival after it grew out of the most ominous-looking bubble she's ever seen (and that's probably saying something, she's seen a lot of weirdly ominous things), so she's ( Read more... )

locke cole, rose tyler

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kings_thief March 14 2011, 01:17:04 UTC
[Locke had been wandering through the ship, just trying his luck again when he hears a shout for help.]

What? Hold on!

[He dashes forward and grabs her hand before she can slip.]

Jeeze, you trying to get yourself killed?!


bringslife March 14 2011, 01:31:55 UTC
[somehow she still manages to glare through her freak-out]

Does it-- look like I put myself here on purpose? [trying to catch her other hand on the edge as well]


kings_thief March 14 2011, 01:46:54 UTC
[He smirks, fiesty, nice.]

Hold on, give me your other hand.

[He reaches out for her to grab.]


bringslife March 14 2011, 01:51:51 UTC
Oi, stop smirking at me and get me up!

[swing and a miss, swing and a miss-- finally manages to catch Locke's offered hand]


kings_thief March 14 2011, 02:03:21 UTC
I got ya, hold on.

[He pulls her up with only minor difficulty.]

You gotta be careful 'round this ship, it's unstable as hell.


bringslife March 14 2011, 02:05:29 UTC
Yeah, I can see that.

[Rose struggles to regain her footing, scuttling backwards away from the hole as gingerly as she can. she looks up at Locke from where she's sitting]

...Thanks for helping me up.


kings_thief March 14 2011, 02:09:17 UTC
[He smiles.]

No problem, good thing I happened to be nearby.

What were you doing wandering around here, anyway?


bringslife March 14 2011, 02:10:42 UTC
Just checking things out. [she gestures vaguely as she looks around] Trying to learn everything I can about this place as a whole.


kings_thief March 14 2011, 02:15:15 UTC
Ah, exploitative, I can respect that. You should really be careful though, especially on this ship. I'd hate to think what would have happened if I'd been too late.

Women and falling are two things I never like to combine.


bringslife March 15 2011, 03:59:35 UTC
[she tilts her head, giving him a 'what' look] I appreciate your helping me up, but what's that supposed to mean?


kings_thief March 15 2011, 04:29:43 UTC
[He blushes and looks uncomfortable for a moment before trying a smile.]

Ah, sorry, it's nothing, don't worry about it.

You, um, you sure you're all right?


bringslife March 17 2011, 00:34:46 UTC
Yeah, I'm good to go. [finally stands, places her hands on her hips] I'm Rose.


kings_thief March 17 2011, 01:26:53 UTC
[He stands as well and crosses his arms.]

Locke, expert treasure hunter.

Feel like heading out of here, Rose?


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