what the hell you two. what is this.

Mar 02, 2011 15:55

Characters: Rose Lalonde, John Egbert, Soul Evans.
Location: The park.
Time: Late night/early morning, March first.
Style: Whichever you two prefer?
Status: Closed.

[It was the middle of the night (as per usual with this guy; no one said he was too good at getting sleep anymore), and he. ... well, duh, he couldn't get to sleep. He'd been staying at the Vanguard Inn for as long as they'd let him stay, and as far as he's concerned, he's still staying there -- he even bought one of the quilts the innkeeper makes. It's a pretty cozy place. Nothing like home, but definitely a comfort.

But for some reason or another, he just couldn't sleep tonight. So rather than getting up and reading, or watching TV, or whatever normal people do, he puts on his shoes, slips on his Spartoi jacket, and throws his extra quilt over his shoulders as he stuffs his hands in his pockets and leaves for a walk. Because he's not really a normal person. c:

So whatever the reason; he's out in the park tonight, when seemingly everyone else is asleep, wandering around. And that's when he spots them -- two little preteens, huddled up on a bench and out like a light. What the flying fuck.

Soul goes over to investigate, worried they might be unconscious, but no -- they're merely asleep.]


[A concerned glance down at the two of them was really all it took. As a Deathscythe, it's his job to protect the people now -- so off goes the quilt from his shoulders and on them it goes. And he takes a seat on the ground nearby to watch for them. Because really, two little thirteen year olds shouldn't be out here alone. That's just stupid.]

soul evans, rose lalonde, john egbert

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