Intro Post - Sokka

Mar 02, 2011 03:24

Current Mood: energetic
Current Music: Chrono Cross - Opening Theme
Characters:Sokka, anyone and everyone
Location:Streets of Vatheon
Time:Early evening
[Sokka skids around a corner, moccasined feet scrambling for purchase on the wet cobbles as his arms stretch out to attempt to capture the small, brown and white, oddly feline octopus energetically hopping away from him.]

Zuko, buddy, come back! You don't wanna get lost out there! Look how strange this place is. Hey! Zuko, get down from there!

[The young man is behaving with a sort of manic energy, clearly distracting himself with the odd little animal to avoid contemplating his fate more deeply. The singular mark of Vatheon glimmers slightly at the back of his neck, as yet unnoticed by him. It's only been an hour or two since he woke up, and he was able to stick to the shadows and creep around the outskirts for a while, but now that the rambunctious octokitten has escaped, all bets are off!]

((OOC - Hello everyone! I'm a longtime veteran online/offline roleplayer but new to Vat! I look forward to playing with everyone. Please feel free to poke me with questions/comments/concerns/hilarity/impropriety on Plurk (VaultDweller) or AIM (ToiletNinjas) :3 - Pat))

bankotsu, ayame, junpei iori, sokka, demyx

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