001 [ Relic ]

Feb 28, 2011 01:05

Characters:  Mint and vatheon
Location: EVERYWHERE but mostly near the coal
Time: Morning
Style: Either is fine! Starting in Action
Status: Open like MY MOM

[ So Vatheon, you might find yourselves minding your own business, buying groceries or just...going out for a walk on the town. Really, you're probably not doing anything important. You're just enjoying your day, whiling away the hours until--


Yea that definitely hurt, and it's not really the way you wanted to start your day. Unless of course you dodged it. In which case you're probably wondering why this chick was trying to kick you in the first place.

Either way, there is now a very pissed off Mint scowling at you. She's even pointing one of her hula-hoops chakrams  for extra emphasis. After all, she means business. Doesn't matter if it looks like she should be in bed right now, or that she's not as fierce as she should be. No, what matters is that she's obviously not going to leave you alone right now. ]

What did you do?

franken stein, xerxes break, mint, hiten, kageyama shun, demyx

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