Apr 19, 2010 00:58

Characters: Alpha, villagers, and WHOEVER ELSE WANTS TO DEAL WITH THIS GUY.
Location: Near the crack in the barrier.
When: Around one AM.
Style: I prefer script!
Status: OPEN! But do not worry, you are free to make other posts regarding the flood.

[GUESS WHO'S ANGRY? Oh yeah, it's Alpha. He's missing his labcoat and the sleeves of his shirt are rolled up. His tie is loose and his boots are even more dirt covered then usual. Also, his glasses are nowhere to be found and his hair looks even bushier. He's screaming, face beet red from anger at some random poor sunvabitch villager who is nervously fiddling with the hat in his hands.]

I TOLD you to watch this area. Are you some low class unintelligent moron? I know you're not. I knew your mother! She was a good woman and you are a pathetic excuse to her legacy. You call yourself a guard?!

[His hand reaches out and snatches the badge from his shirt, ripping the shirt in the process as he throws it to the ground. The villager mumbles a 'I... I made that badge, sir.']

You made it? Shoddy work just like the rest of you! What else did you make? This hat?

[And Alpha's snatching the hat and throwing it in the mud too.]

Now get out of my face you vile little maggot before I do something you really don't want me to do!

[And with that, he spits on the ground (which lands on the hat) and points a direction away from him, watching the villager walk off before pinching the bridge of his nose and huffing. He turns to group of men staring and suddenly he barks out orders to them.]

What are you doing standing around? Do you want this thing to collapse on us? GET BACK TO WORK, IDIOTS!


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