Characters: The Ouran High School Vatheon Host Club and YOU!
Location: The plaza!
Time: Early - late evening.
Style: Whatever makes you comfortable. The first post will be in third, but I'll personally be posting in first. XD;
Status: OPEN! Come and have some ice cream with us!
Later in the day, when the light begins to dull into a cozy twilight, sparkling lights begin to go up in the plaza. Poles have been centered here and there with colorful lights strung across them, leaving them hanging in the air and giving the plaza a warm feeling. There are tea light candles all over the coral, flickering happily (and naturally in no danger of burning anything down). There are tables with ornate chairs here and there, with long white tablecloths and a clearing for dancing. At one end of the plaza, there is a long table heaped with different kinds of ice cream, toppings and syrups. Bowls and silverware are in high supply at the end. In the center, one can find just about any kind of popsicle, including sea salt, and a large ice sculpture of a Ferris wheel. Music can be heard, jazz and swing from the '20's, though where it's coming from is anyone's guess.
The first stragglers are greeted with a formal bow and warm smiles from the one, the only King of the Host Club, Tamaki Suou. He's wearing a dark fedora, a dark pinstriped vest and matching slacks, and a crisp white shirt, with a band around one arm. As more visitors come, he'll have retreated to his designated table, and can also be caught on the dance floor. <3
(( Feel free to mingle. <3 Every Host should have their own "space", so drop in on any one of them for a treat! We also ask that everyone keep to the different "sections", so no one gets lost.
Also, just assume you can make pretty much any ice cream dish ever. Alcohol (even though it was technically my idea ahahaha) is frowned on. This is a high end event, remember? ;D ))
{A notice to Host Club members: your character will have been asked by the leadership to don 1920's garb. Their outfits are completely up to you, but we will assume anyone out of the theme is not participating as a host. If you worry that your character would not have dressed of their own accord and need a suitable reason for them to have, please contact either myself (frozenfoxfirex) or Corey (z0mbicid4) on AIM, and we'll help you out. Thanks! <3}